Ch.35: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

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(Liliana's POV)

"How can you say that?!" I demanded, balling up my fists at my sides.
"Lily please, I know this is asking a lot but you're still her daughter" Phoebus said trying to intervene.
"Yeah Yeah whatever, can you please just give me a minute alone with Frollo? You've already caused enough problems tonight" I said moving away from my brother.
Phoebus just sighed and walked away from us.
When he was finally gone I turned back to the man that supposedly loved me and glared at him.
"Dearest I know you're upset but you can't let your anger consume you especially in a situation like this."
"So you expect me to just go back to the woman who said she wanted nothing to do with me?! To the woman who said she was glad I was bleeding after hitting me?!"
"I'm sure she regrets it now Lily,and I'm sure she would want to make amends before our lord calls her home" Frollo said putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.
"What about us?! You expect me to just leave everything we have built together behind me?! You and Pat are the only two things in this miserable world that truly make me happy. I've already lost Pat, I can't lose you too. I love you Frollo."
Pulling his hand away, Frollo sighed and turned away from me.
"If you love me Liliana, you'll listen to me. I fell in love with you because of your kind soul and loving nature. You made me feel emotions I never thought possible. I know you're capable of forgiveness and putting others before yourself. So please Lily, go to your mother, take care of any business you have too and when things are settled I'll be here waiting for you" with that said he turned back to face me with a sad yet serious expression which told me he was serious.
No matter how hard I wanted to argue, or just scream at him and beg him to let me stay...I knew he was right.
Without saying another word, I just nodded and held onto him like my life depended on it.
"You promise you'll wait?" I asked as I fought back tears.
"As long as it takes dearest, I'll even watch over the cottage for you till you get back."
"And please look after the horses, you can even keep snowball there too." I said trying to sound positive but deep down all I wanted to do was to brake down.
But I knew that if I did that there would be no coming back from it.
Its just hard to believe that I was leaving Paris and everything I held dear just to return to the past that I had been runny away from...
*One week Later*

"Are you sure you have everything Lily?" Phoebus asked as he put the last of my belongings in the carriage.
"Yep" I replied, despite everything I was still angry with him. And blamed him for the pain I was going through.
"Okay say your goodbyes sis, we gotta get going he said as he picked up Wanda and placed her in the carriage as well.
I just rolled my eyes at him and embraced my friends who came to see me one last time.
"Please come back and see us when you can lily, we'll miss you so much" said Chris with tears in her eyes as she hugged me. Before I turned to Angela and hugged her.
"I really wish you could be here to meet my baby in person, and it's going to be so sad not having you at the church anymore."
"I'll miss both of you, Chris never change and Angela you'll be the best mother ever I know you will" I said proudly. With one last group embrace I turned to say my goodbyes to Dommy and Hestia.
Dommy didn't say much but held me like he never wanted to let me go.
I kneeled down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"You be a good boy and don't let anyone push you around you hear me?"
He just nodded and looked up at me with tears running down his cheeks.
"Thank you for being my friend Lily", I held onto him one last time.
"I'll always be your friend Dommy."
Letting him go I hugged Hestia and thanked her for all she had done for me.
"I'll miss you so much, please keep making dresses and don't be so hard on yourself" I said to her.
She just nodded and kissed my cheek.
Finally I reached the one person I never wanted to say goodbye too.
Although he looked serious as ever I could tell he was just as sad as I was.
Not caring if anyone could see us anymore, I flung myself into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He held me by my waist and ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me.
"I love you so much, my heart is braking" I whispered to him.
"You must be strong dearest, we'll be together again someday and when we are I'll never let you go again."
With that said we shared one last kiss and one last hug.
"Please say goodbye to Quasi for me, he was so nice to me that night of the ball."
"OfCourse I will, and please Lily write to me soon. I'll think of you always till your back in my arms."
"I will, I promise" I said with a smile but with tears leaking down my face.
Saying my final goodbyes I waved to everyone as I got into the carriage.
Finally we rode away and I couldn't hold back anymore. I sat there, leaned my head against the wall of the carriage and cried.
Although Phoebus tried to comfort me I told him to leave me alone and just let me brake down.
I held onto my necklace and whispered, "Goodbye Pat, please watch over me."

After another week we finally reached my mother's house.
Just being there made my stomach turn. I hadn't been feeling well as it is and now I was shaking in fear, anger, and that didn't help either.
"You'll be okay Lily were just here to say our goodbyes" Phoebus said holding my hand and walking with me into the house we grew up in.
Once we went into my mother's bedroom, we saw here there in her bed. She looked so pale and weak, sweaty, and she coughed into a handkerchief so hard that blood stained it. A doctor was sitting beside her and dabbing her forehead with a wet washcloth.
"Hello mom...we're both here" said Phoebus slowly approaching her.
She slowly looked up at us and gave us a weak smile.
"...My children,I'm so happy to see you."
Phoebus happily approached her and took her hand into his.
As for me I just stood there not sure what to say.
"Where is dad, shouldn't be be here too?" Phoebus asked.
Our mother just shook her head at him.
"He left for work and never came back" she replied.
Hearing that made both me and my brother stare at one another in shock.
"God our family is just full of surprises huh?"  I thought to myself.
"How bad is she doctor?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"She's suffering from a bad case of malaria, it seems to have caused a lung infection as well. She may have only two days left" the doctor explained.
Phoebus looked at the doctor like he had just insulted all of us.
I was sad for my mother but also too numb to everything to even process what was happening.
"Doctor please give me a moment with my children."
Leaving the room, my mother reached over for me to take her hand. I wanted to refuse but my brother gave me a look that said "Be nice" I just sighed and held her hand.
"Liliana, only daughter....Ive missed you. You have no idea how much I regret the things I have said and done to's because of me that you ran away...please forgive me my dear."
I just nodded but the pain still remained in my heart.
"And you my dear son, I'm so proud of've done more than enough. Thank you for bringing your sister home. Please look after her, it's just the two of you one another...I love you both...." With that said she took one last breath and closed her eyes for good.
Phoebus completely lost it and broke down.
I wish that I could cry as well but my anger overtook me.
I got up and walked out of the room, and informed the doctor of my mother's passing.
"My condolences ma'am,...are you okay?" He asked.
"Im not feeling well myself" I explained.
He looked me over and asked a few questions.
"Forgive me for asking ma'am, but have you received your menstrual cycle?"
I slowly shook my head as reality sank in.
"Is there a possibility that you could be... pregnant?"
Just hearing that word shook me to my core.
But realizing that it was a possibility that I was carrying Frollo's child filled me with hope.
"If you believe you are please come to my Cottage and we can discuss more about it."
"Thank you Doctor" I said in a somewhat happy voice.
A few days later we buried our mother. And held a small funeral for her.
Afterwards both my brother and I stayed in her house and kept it clean.
Phoebus said it was the least we could do for her.
I eventually went back to the doctor and he confirmed that I was infact pregnant.
I couldn't be happier. And I couldn't wait to inform Frollo about it as well.
To be continued......

(A/N: Well here we are guys. The final chapter of the story. And surprise!! Our dear little Lily is expecting. How will Frollo take it? How will Phoebus take it? Will he even let them be together again?! Guess we're gonna have to find out in the sequel!! Thank you to those who have asked for a sequel and who have been kind. Hope the ending of this story wasn't a disappointment. But I gotta keep you guys in suspense lol. See you on the next one. Take care.)

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