Young Blood, Old Souls (Season 1 Finale)

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King: Haven't you been listening to me? He's the Emperor! He's the most powerful witch alive!

Luz: King, please try to understand. Eda is in this situation because of me. Because of my stupid choice. I have to make up for it.

King: But she's in her Owl Beast form! How will she even recognize you guys?

Y/n: ... We don't know. But we have to try anyway.

King: Well then, I'm going too.

Luz and Y/n: King...

King: Me and Eda don't always see eye-to-eye, but I do consider her family. I want her back as much as you do.

Luz: Alright. Then we've got no time to lose! [Runs out of the room.]

[Cut to Emperor Belos's throne room, focusing on the Titan's beating heart before panning down to the throne. Beast Eda runs around from Lilith.]

Lilith: Eda, stop that this instant! [Beast Eda tears down a tapestry of Belos, and begins chewing on it. Lilith bubbles Beast Eda.] Don't look at me like that. This is for your own good. Emperor Belos will heal you, and we'll be in together. Isn't that wonderful? [Beast Eda blows a raspberry at Lilith.] I will not fall prey to your childish games. [Promptly sticks her tongue out at Eda. 

[The door to the throne room opens. Six coven guards and Kikimora enter.]

Kikimora: All kneel before Emperor Belos!

[Kikimora bows and moves away from the door. Lilith kneels. A pair of glowing blue eyes approach from the darkness, eventually revealing Emperor Belos. Beast Eda shrieks and bursts out of the bubble, running towards Belos.]

Lilith: Eda, no! [Belos vanishes before Beast Eda can attack him, appearing behind her and throwing her against a wall by lifting his finger. Beast Eda falls to the ground, glowing red ropes appearing to keep her down. Lilith runs between Beast Eda and Belos's shadow.] My Lord, I apologize for my sister's rash behavior. She is still in her cursed form. Once you've healed her, as promised, I am sure she will become a useful asset to the coven! 

[Emperor Belos summons his mechanical staff and raises it, healing Eda only to the point of allowing her speech in her Beast form.]

Beast Eda: Ah. Where am I? What is this? Aw shit, I got caught.

Emperor Belos: Edalyn Clawthorne, the infamous Owl Lady, the wild witch of Bonesborough. Mentor of Luz and Y/n the Human.

Beast Eda: You stay away from them, or so help me, Titan...

Emperor Belos: [Chuckles.] You've got it all wrong. The human is safe, for now. I just want the portal she came through.

Beast Eda: Tough, 'cause I ain't telling you nothing!

Emperor Belos: Ugh, pity. Although I suppose I could ask the humans themselves. [Belos snaps his fingers, and the guards run in to drag Eda away.]

Beast Eda: Wait! Don't touch them! Lilith, don't let him hurt them! Lilith! [The guards bring her out of sight]

Lilith: [To Belos.] Ah, taking her to the healing ceremony?

Emperor Belos: I will not be healing her.

Lilith: But, you, promised me.

Emperor Belos: Don't be so naïve, Lilith. This is the Titan's will. All wild witches must be dealt with before the Day of Unity. You understand, don't you?

The Witch and The Swordsman (The Owl House x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora