I'm getting tired even for a Phoenix

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The room was bright, all white. I could see a man seating at the center. He had a beard , not as long as Dumbledore's but still and all dressed up with grey. Like he was a prisoner.

"Come sit here Y/N."

I went in front of him and sat down.

"It seems like we're both in prison. Isn't that funny." He said

"Not the same actually."

"You're right. Do you know the difference between you and I?"

"You did bad things, I did not."

He laughed.

"Come on, you're smarter than that."

I smiled

"You didn't chose to be a prisoner, me neither. You truly believe what you are doing is good for everyone, me too. One thing make us different: you try to save others before saving yourself.
This world is selfish, be the same." He said

I looked down.

"But that's not me."

"What is you? Did you let the others define who you are? Or is this really you?"

I didn't answer. What Grindelwald was saying was true. But I didn't know what to say.

"Does thinking about us make us really selfish? No. But everyone say so. Then think about yourself, be selfish."

"Thinking about myself. How could I, here?"

"Don't think about what Riddle will become. Think about your life."

I raised my head to look at him.

"And what if I don't? What is written in the prophecy will maybe not happen."

"Forget the prophecy, do you want to live?"

"I don't know."

A single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked to him.

"You will understand."

I woke up, this was all a dream. Like always. I tried to stood up. Grindelwald was right, I had to think about myself, I had to get ouf of here before it was to late. I didn't have my wand of course they took it away from me.

"If you're trying to find a way out, it's not the moment. Try after."

I turned around and saw Mattheo.

"I bet you're here to take me to your dad?"

"C'mon, he is waiting for us."

He took my arm and it felt like before. For a moment I thought the old Mattheo was back and we were in Hogwarts' hallways, holding hands. But this time was far away and I had to deal with it.

"I can walk by myself." I said

"Yeah but you will try to escape."

He turned his head to me.

"I told you, I'm not dumb."

"I know." I responded

We walked upstairs and he let go of my arm when he saw Lord Voldemort.

"There she is Father." He said

"Good Mattheo."

He walked to me.

"You're very brave. But not totally. So that prophecy, it is said that you'll help Potter to kill me."

He laughed. A cold laugh, without any joy in it.

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