The moment I knew

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"Y/N Y/L/N......"

I heard a voice calling me. Like a whisper.

"Come with me...... You know what will happen. You know it."

When I approached to see the face of the person who was speaking, I was speechless. He smiled.

"You know it."

Then he disappeared and in front of me, there was now only a door. A black door.

"Darling, are you alright?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Mattheo. I felt asleep on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. I think it's time to go sleep. See you tomorrow."

He kissed me

"Yeah." He replied

One week passed and I didn't have any other dreams. I didn't know why but it made me anxious.

"Are you okay?"

I was at the library studying with Hermione. We had to be perfect for the OWLs.

"Why everyone keep asking me that?" I asked as I rolled my eyes

"Maybe because you look worried."

"It's fine I promise."


Our routine after class with Hermione was always to go to the library. Always. Sometimes I joined her a little late than I was supposed to because I wanted to see Mattheo. But this time, it was him who came to see me.

"Hey I need to talk to you for a sec." He said

I looked at Hermione.

"Stay here. I'll come back later."

"Alright." She replied

"What is it?" I asked

"I thought about something. You know I always walk alone at night in the hallways."


"Great. You should join me this night."


"Yeah, we could go in the library to explore the restricted section."

"Mattheo you know...."

"You won't get in any troubles. Don't worry and you know what? Maybe there are some books about Grindewald or I don't know. We didn't see each other really often don't you think so."

"I know Mattheo, it's just with the OWLs I really have to study."

"Study can wait princess. Meet me in front of your common room, I will join you."

"Fine, alright."

He kissed me.

"Alright perfect. You can go study now."


I walked to Y/N's common room.

"Hi. Great you're here."

I took her hand and we ran to the library.

"Look what I can do."

I took my wand and opened the door.

"Usually you can't open it because it's completely locked. Even if you try to." I said

She looked at me.

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