The lakes

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It was the morning before the second task. I was getting ready when I saw the necklace on my desk. I took it , I promised her to always wear it.

"Good luck" Draco said

"Yeah don't die" Blaise was worried. The first time I saw him like that

"Don't worry. I will survive. I always do"

They smiled at me.

I went in Snape office, he wanted to see me before the task.

"Take this"

He gave me a vial with a green liquid in it.

"What is that?"

"The potion you asked me"

"Oh yeah, thank you"

"Drink it"

I drank it and it was disgusting. Believe me.

After that, I went to the lake and looked around me. Y/N was not there. Where the hell was she?

"Go with the others" Snape told me

I took off my hoodie. It was cold, really cold. And went with the others.

"Alright, everyone get in line"

I was standing next to Potter. Snape was behind me. I still had the taste of the potion in my mouth. Horrible.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from all of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need to find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough, except this: they will have but one hour to do so and one hour only. Good luck to them"

I turned my head to face all the students. I was still looking for Y/N but I couldn't find her. Yeah, we argued but she could at least be here to support me. If it was her in my place, I would be here for her.

"Remember, only one hour."

Snape was right, only one hour. But I thought, I couldn't just not go back before one hour and I would be disqualified. Like that, I wouldn't have to participate to the last task.

"Don't even think about it"

I turned my head to see Snape.


"You will go back before one hour and you will do the next task."

Sometimes Snape scared me, not sometimes actually, every time. How could he know what I was thinking about? Anyway, I had to focus on the task.

I heard a cannon noise and jumped in the water. It was colder than outside. It was dark, I couldn't see anything. Then I heard a sound, it was a scream. I continued and saw light came from the bottom of the lake. There, four people were unconscious: Chang, a little girl, Granger, Weasley and... Y/N. She was there since the beginning. I had to free her. I went closer and used my wand to remove the algae. Diggory was taking Chang and pointed me his watch, that meant "it's almost done".
I took her by the arm and started to go back out of the water. Suddenly I saw a shark coming in my direction. He passed right next to me and went to save Granger. It was only Krum. But then I felt something touching my shoulder. It was Potter.

"What do you want?" I asked, but because I was in the water, it sounded more like an addition of indescribable noises.

He showed me the little girl.


He took his wand and conjured a spell. I could here him clearly.

"You see this little girl, it's Fleur's little sister"

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