I never wanted you to hate me

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"Did the teacher give you a detention? You?" Harry asked me as he closed his books. He was immediately much more interested in the conversation.

"Yeah, you don't have to scream it at everyone else." I replied.

"How did you manage to do that? Wait, wait, wait, I'll guess...... you tried to cheat or better , you talked too much!"

"Ahahah very funny.I called a guy a dog."

Harry looked at me with big eyes.

"No! You didn't. I refuse to believe it! Well I wouldn't have been surprised if it had happened outside of the classroom because I know that you and Hermione...... talk a lot in people's back....."

"Yes, and you and Ron listen to all the little dramas we share with you so if you always want to know everything about everyone I think you should shut up."

"Okay okay, fair enough. But like I said, you called a guy a dog in a class next to the teacher? Not very clever."

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe because you would have done better?"

He came closer.

"You're talking to the great Harry Potter. I have some expertise in terms of detention. Remember that time I made that potion that made Pansy's hair fall out? Or the time I wrote Malfoy a poem and made him think it was from Blaise? Or the time...."

"Yes, well, you're not going to tell me about all your absurd exploits."

"Oh, it's not absurd, far from it. It's an art, the 8th art as the Muggles say. Now, I have to know: why did you call him a dog?"

"Because he was doing Mattheo's homework for him."

"Are you still thinking about him? Are you serious? I'm going to throw you an Obliviate and you're going to forget about him. Do you want to?" He said as he took out his wand.

"Nah, nah, I'll be fine. You know what the worst part is?"

"Nah, tell me about it."

"I'll be in detention with Mattheo."

"Then don't go."

"Very funny."

"Nah, I'm serious. But when is your detention?"

"Tomorrow night."

"And you'll be all alone with him?"

"Yes. After he tried to kill me."

"Pardon? Excuse you? What do you mean?!"

"Oh, shit, that's right. Actually.... There's been a bit of a problem. You know when I told you that he left me without any explanation? Well, that wasn't the whole truth."

"Tell me everything or I'll kill you right now."

"He was sent by his father to kill me."

"Well, that's great. Happy ending between both of you. I think we can forget the little Riddle's babies we laughed about. Seriously, you're not going to that detention."

"Believe me if I had the chance to avoid it I would but I can't."

"Find a way, any way, but you're doing it."

"And how?"

"I have no idea. But you're not going."

"All right, I'll try to find a way."

"You know what I do so I don't get punished all the time?" Harry asked me.


"I say that I lost my parents and that a wizard is still trying to kill me. I swear that helps."

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