A friend to all, is a friend to none

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"Harry, are you alright?"

Hermione, Ron, and I were standing behind Harry, ready to enter the train.

[What is happening? Why is he here?]

Harry was thinking. I looked at where his gaze had wandered. Nothing. What was he looking at?

"Come on, Harry." I said as I took his arm.

We walked to an empty cabin and they put their bags away.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"Don't worry Y/N, go, it's fine." Hermione replied

"Alright, see you later then."

I went looking for Mattheo in the crowd.

"Hey, Y/N!"

I turned my head and saw him.

"Hi! How are you?" I asked

"I'm fine what about you?"

"I'm good!"

He seemed like he had grown up over summer and looked older. He had dark circles too. He was beautiful.

"Come on, let's find places." He said and five minutes later, we were seating in front of each other.

Mattheo closed the door and took three books out of his bag.

"Here, it's the three books I was talking about. The three of them are talking about dark magic, hope it will help you."

"Yeah, I don't even know what to search. It's been so long."

"You really didn't find anything about this man?"

"No, nothing."

"But maybe it's nothing, maybe Dumbledore doesn't really want you to find who he is. Maybe...."

"I know what I'm doing, Mattheo."

"Alright, fine."

"I'm sorry" I said

He laughed

"It's okay don't worry. I've known you long enough to get over it."

I smiled.

"Anyway, how was your summer." He asked

"It was pretty fun. I was with Ron and Hermione, it was great. And you?"

I didn't tell him about what happened with Harry and the Order of the Phoenix it was not the moment, not with what had happened the past year.

"It was great, I hanged out with Draco and everything."

"Do you know who's gonna be our new professor?"

"Of the Defence Against the Dark Arts?"


"No idea, every new year it's a new professor it's like a surprise."

I laughed.

"What a surprise!"

"Hey you freak! It was all your fault!"

We turned around and saw a group of students standing behind the door, one of them was talking to Mattheo.

"Yeah, they should send you to Azkaban" a girl said

Mattheo stood up and opened the door.

"Go, or you'll never be able to use these hands again. You choose."

The leader of the group (if we could call it like that) looked Mattheo in the eyes and started to be afraid, I could feel it.

"Let's go, this monster is capable of anything."

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