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Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and I entered the Slytherin common room when every head of all the students in the room turned to face us. They all began to whisper but I could hear them.

"Is that true? About his father?"

"You-Know-Who is back, my father told me so"

"He watched Diggory died in front of him."

I walked past them and went in my room with Draco behind me.

"Don't listen to them, they're stupid."

"Yeah, whatever."

I took a cigarette out of my bag and put it in my mouth.

"You know if they caught you, you're dead." Draco said

"They will never caught me."

"Yeah, anyway just don't put that smoke on my face."

"Oh, but I will do it on purpose."

We laughed and Draco took his things out of his suitcases.

This night, I didn't sleep well. Actually, it had been a long time since things were bad. I went out of my bed and, after checking if the common room was empty, started to walk in the hallways of Hogwarts. Maybe Y/N was in the library. She was there all the time anyway. To do her research on that damn picture. I tried to see if she was there but the library was closed. I continued my walk when I heard footsteps. I hided but too late.

"Mr Riddle? Can I ask what you're doing here?"

It was Umbridge. I hated her. Her voice was the most annoying voice I've ever heard in my entire life.

"I was walking."

It was the truth. Why would I lie? Yeah I know I was not supposed to be there but it's not like I killed someone.

"At times like these?"

"I couldn't sleep. What are doing there you too?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Usually, professors just yell at me but this time, it was different. It was like I attacked her ego.

"Why would it be forbidden for me but not for you?"

"Because I'm an adult."

"Yeah, whatever."

She smiled

"I see you like to break the rules, Mr Riddle. Go to bed. I'll deal with your case later but don't worry, it won't be long now."

I walked away and went back in my room. The next day, we had our first class with Umbridge I took a seat at the back of the class and called Y/N

"Y/N! Come here!"

She went next to me

"Don't you want to get closer, I can't see anything." She said

"No, we're good here."

"If you say so."

A bird made of paper flew over our heads but suddenly, it disappeared.

"Good morning, children."

"Oh it's the pink lady." Y/N said

"The pink lady? Is it how you call her?"

"Yeah, she always wears pink. Always look."

"It's horrible" I replied

"Mr Riddle and Miss Y/L/N, what were you talking about. If you desperately want to talk, come one share it with the class. I'm sure it is extremely interesting."

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