brance- vampire empire

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Bruce and Vance were resting on the couch watching a movie Bruce had brought home from the shop. Vance sat on the couch with one leg up and one down, Bruce's head resting on his thigh. Vance was gently running his fingers through Bruce's hair.

Vance was pale, with pointed ears, and sharp teeth. Still the same charm and confidence as before, however. He was everything Bruce could've asked for. He loved him just as he was, pointy teeth and all.

Vance had been experiencing dizzy spells and lightheadedness. The blood from animals seemingly not enough all of the sudden. He was paler than normal and had little energy. Bruce had had an idea on how to help for a while, but had been waiting for the right time. He did not know how Vance would react.

Better now than ever.

"Hey V?" Bruce started.

"Yeah, babe?" Vance replied.

"Have you ever thought of drinking from a human?" Bruce suggested.

"I know what you're thinking. Absolutely not."

"But it might help you feel better!" Bruce protested


Bruce sighed. Well, he tried.

"I'm gonna get a beer." Vance stood up and grabbed his head, stumbling to the side, falling to the ground.

"Vance!" Bruce went to grab him, wrapping his hand around his upper arm.

"Baby, baby, you okay?" Bruce asked urgently, walking around to kneel in front of him. His hands moving up to hold his face.

Vance's eyes were struggling to stay open. Bruce lifted him to his feet and sat him on the couch. Kneeling in between Vance's legs, he had one hand on Vance's knee and one on his cheek.

"Baby, you with me?" Bruce asked

Vance groaned, nodding his head.

"You have to drink something other than pigs blood," Bruce said "This just isn't cutting it."

"Maybe you're right." Vance replied.

Vance seemed back to normal now, just another dizzy spell.

"Drink from me. Please." Bruce asked.

"Okay." Vance replied

Bruce sat next to Vance on the couch. Vance grabbed Bruce's shoulders, slowly leaning him back until his back hit the seat of the couch. Bruce lifted his chin up, allowing Vance more space on his neck. Vance rubbed his hand over the place where Bruce's neck met his shoulder. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the spot, before sinking his teeth in.

Bruce let out a gasp, reaching his hand up to tangle his fingers in Vance's hair. Bruce's eyes fluttered shut.

It hurt, but was nowhere near the worst Bruce has endured, thanks to the grabber.

Vance lifted his head up, but Bruce used his hand to push him back towards his neck. Vance latched back on, drinking more and more.

After a minute or so, Bruce couldn't tell anymore,Vance lifted back up and looked at Bruce. Bruce looked high. His eyes were half closed and he had a dopey smile on his face.

Maybe Vance drank a little too much.

Bruce reached a trembling hand up to Vance's face.

"There you go, you look so much better." Bruce slurred out.

"Shit shit shit," Vance cursed "I took too much. Fuck I'm sorry."

Bruce's vision began to blur. "Shit!" Vance shouted.

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