rinney- maths

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Robin sat at his dining room table, chewing on his thumb nail and tapping his pencil lighting on the wood.

Finney was attempting, very badly to explain the work to him in simple terms. "Okay, so you'd move the two over-" Finney looked up at Robin, who was glancing somewhere else. "Robin? Robin are you getting this?" Robin snapped back to attention, looking at Finney and furrowing his eyebrows. "Um, two?"

Finney sighed. "Come on you gotta get this down, if you get this you'll be passing with flying col-" He was cut off as Robin let out a loud groan, putting his head down on the table. "But, this makes no sense- I'd be completely fine being a B student."

Finney rolled his eyes. "Fine, you can stop but I came over to study so I'm going to continue Mr. B student." He looked back down at his paper and book, cross checking before Robin dumped all his weight onto him. He drapped his lanky arms across his shoulders and leaned on him. "Take a break- you study all the time!"

"Well, unlike you- I have to be an A student so I can get a good scholarship later." He had an annoyed tone, but he couldn't help but lean back against Robin. Robin smiled. "It doesn't matter what grades you get, they'll take one look at your cute face and let you right in-" he laughed, moving his hand to pinch Finney's cheek, causing Finney to yelp. "Stooop!" He swatted at Robin's hand until he let go. "Fine, fine-" Robin pulled his arms off, sticking his hands up in a 'i give up motion'

Finney rubbed his cheek, a pink blush covering his face ear to ear. He glanced over at Robin, who was finally for the first time looking down at his book and writing on the paper. Finney scooted his chair a little, so he could reach out and gently touch Robin's chin to move it up. "If one of us is getting sent to cutie college, it's you." He leaned in and gave Robin a small kiss on the lips before pulling back.

Robin's face lit up like a box of Christmas lights. "I-" He covered his own cheeks. "Shut up.." He mumbled. Finney just smiled and look back down at his paper, it was going to be a long day- but he was alright with that.

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