rinney- late night run

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1:51 a.m.


Robin had just finished doing laundry.


At this time.

He's hyper. And can't fall asleep.

"Robin, please, would you take some melatonin or something??" Finney questions, he's not used to being awake at this hour, but of course, he'll take up any opportunity of time to spend with his boyfriend. His adorable, yet so very sleep deprived, boyfriend.

"Doesn't work. I think I've built up a tolerance to it or something, is that possible?" As he walks to the table where his laptop is sitting. Typing in his question,

Can you build up a tolerance to melatonin?

"-you don't build up a tolerance to it."

Thanks, Google.

"We have class tomorrow, and you know that Donna will notice you yawning every five minutes during the day. I don't want her yelling at me." Finney wasn't upset, just frustrated. He didn't know how to fix this.

"I'm sorry!! I'm just so


"How?!?! You get less sleep than me, and that says a lot considering I don't get enough." It's common for the both of them to stay up late- on weekends. When they don't have class. And when they're able to sleep in.

"Okay, okay. I'll go for a run and try and get some of my energy out, I'll attempt melatonin as well, I should get home before it kicks in."

"Alright.. be careful, please. Be back in about thirty minutes, okay? It's late."

"Okay, hopefully this works." He gives Finney a kiss before accidentally slamming the door on his way out.

Donna emerges from her room about twenty seconds later, "What was that?"

"Robin went out on a run." Finney replies.

"It's two in the morning!!" She complains, shaking her head, "I really don't understand you guys."

"It's fine. Go back to sleep, Donna." And she does.

Thirty-four minutes later and Robin hasn't returned. Finney begins to worry, so, he gives him a call.

Robin, out of breath, answers after about five seconds of an attempt to slow his breathing and heart rate.

"Hey, Finn, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Where are you?"


"Do you know where you're at?"

"Uh.." He hesitates. Robin doesn't fully understand the concept of time, therefore, it's often he gets lost in it.

"Oh my god. I'm coming to pick you up. Send me your location and please, try not to get kidnapped." Finney just wants to sleep, but continues to their car to pick up his boyfriend, at two in the morning.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Finn. I don't know why I'm like this." Because, truthfully, he doesn't.

"Don't apologize, you're you. I'll be there in a few minutes, I'll stay on the phone with you just to be safe."

Finney eventually finds his way to Robin and as they're almost home, Robin begins falling asleep.

Finney allows him to rest, after all, they'll be home in three minutes.

"Robin, wake up, we're home, lets go to bed, for real this time, okay?"

"Mm, yeah, okay." He yawns again, exhausted, maybe he hasn't built up a tolerance to melatonin after all.

Finney guides them both into their apartment, closing the front door quietly.

Already dressed for bed, Robin heads into the blanket fort while Finney turns off the lights in the house.

Climbing behind Robin in bed so that they're both facing the same direction and laying on their sides, he wraps his arm around Robin's torso, linking their hands together and pressing a kiss to Robin's head.

"Goodnight, Robin."

"Goodnight, Finney, thank you."


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