brance- cry, cry

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Vance was home now and Bruce would be soon too. It should probably be mentioned that "home" was the Yamada's place.

He heard the door in the kitchen open and then slam shut again.

"Yo Bruce, that you?" He yelled, not looking up from the TV.

He got no reply, just the sound of feet rushing up the stairs. Well it wasn't going to be Amy, she was at work for a few hours more, and the other ones were at school. George had college so unless Bruce's dad was up and about - which was unlikely - it had to be Bruce.

Vance looked up with a confused expression on his face. He peeled himself off the couch and headed up the other set of stairs. He heard the water running in the bathroom and headed towards the door.

"Bruce? The fuck you doing in there?" He asked, reaching out for the knob.

"Nothing, I'm fine V would you just leave me?" Came the muffled reply.

Vance started to turn the handle but Bruce launched himself at the door, forcing it shut.

"I said i'm fine!"

"Would you shut up and open the fucking door? You cant live in there!" Vance shouted.

"Yeah? Watch me."

"Smart guy huh?" Vance muttered, turning the handle again and putting all his weight on the door.

He came crashing through and Bruce jolted back to the sink and turned away from him.

"Jesus V!" He said.

"What you fuckin' hiding over there?" Vance said, trying to pull his arm around and Bruce gave in with a jut of his lip and a shake of his head.

His left eye was swollen and red, slowly turning a deep purple colour and Vance felt his blood boil.

"Who fuckin' did it?" He said, biting his lip and his eyebrows shot right up.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Bruce shook his head.

"You bet your ass it matters, who the fuck did that to your face?" He said, his hand still clamped tightly around Bruce's arm and his nostrils flaring madly.

"Just some assholes on the street, it doesn't matter anyway i've had plenty of bruises before, why you getting so worked up?" He said, raising his good eyebrow.

"No way someone's beating on you and getting away with it." Vance said.

Bruce smiled, "That's almost sweet."

"Fuck you with your 'that's sweet' shit." Vance said, narrowing his eyes. "Get your bat, we're going on a fuckin' field trip."

Vance let him go and headed out into the hall but Bruce just smiled. When Vance got protective it always ended up in his favour.

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