brance- cold

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Vance shivered in the cold, hugging himself tight and cursing under his breath, condemning himself for not listening to Bruce when he told him to bring a jacket.

They were currently walking down the streets of New York in December, because Bruce is lovely and surprised him with a birthday trip to the city, but it's freezing and he thought they'd just be staying in the little cafe, so he didn't bother with a coat. But, Bruce wanted to take him sight seeing because "it's your birthday, V, I want you to see the city lights. They're almost as pretty as you."

"Bruce?" Vance said softly, letting go of his own arm and gripping Bruce's hand.

Bruce immediately snapped his head to his boyfriend and ran his thumb over his knuckles in acknowledgment.

"It's cold..." He complained, moving a little bit closer as they walked.

Bruce tutted at the shorter boy. "Aw, V. I told you to wear your coat, honey," he said, glancing at Vance's shivering torso, only clad in one of Bruce's sweaters.

"I didn't think I'd need it." Vance said, tightening his fingers around Bruce's.

Bruce stopped them in front of a bench and motioned for Vance to sit down.

"B, we can keep walking, I'm ok." Vance breathed, smiling a little.

"Hush, you're freezing, baby. Sit down." Bruce said, kissing his forehead quickly and sitting down himself.

Vance blushed and sat down next to him, curling towards him slightly. Bruce always felt like home to him. Whenever he was with him he felt safe, loved, like he didn't need to worry about anything ever again. He looked up at the sky scrapers around them and thought for a brief moment that Bruce makes him feel higher than even them.

He shivered again against a cool breeze hitting his ice-bitten skin, paling and sniffling a little as his nose began to run from the cold.

Bruce began to shimmy off his own coat.

"Bruce! No, it's cold, you need it." Vance objected, touching Bruce's arm with cold fingers.

Bruce didn't stop. "Sweetheart, I'm fine. I've got a sweatshirt on over a long sleeve shirt. You're shivering, babe," he cooed, getting his jacket off completely and wrapping it around Vance's shoulders. "Don't want my baby getting sick." He wrapped his arms around Vance's middle and kissed his cold nose.

Vance blushed at the term of endearment and giggled, making Bruce smile fondly at him.

Everyone in the streets kept walking, oblivious to the two boys on the bench, completely infatuated with each other. So, so very in love.

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