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"Mama?" Comes a soft voice from just ahead of the table where Veronica Hopper is currently eating her breakfast, it makes her head snap up because her son hasn't called her 'mama' since he was eight years old and here was 15-year-old Vance standing in front of her. What she saw, concerned her.

Vance's eyes were glassy and dull, his face was as white as a ghost and his voice was far too soft. It didn't even sound like it came from her son, who was always boisterous and way too loud like he couldn't control his own volume. She had thought he was getting ready for school but here he was still dressed in his pyjama pants and a ratty old t-shirt, curls more of a mess than usual like he had just gotten up.

"I don't feel good." He continued, voice just as soft with a little crack in it as the words made their way out.

Veronica gets up from her chair, ready to walk over to his son, she frowns, placing a hand on his forehead and then her lips for a better read. He is definitely burning up. She's about to put her around him and take him back up to his room when her husband walks into the kitchen. He good-naturedly slaps his son on the shoulder like he's done countless times. Normally, Vance would've laughed and said good morning to his father, this time though, all that escapes is a pained whimper.

"What's going on?" Billy frowns, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Veronica goes over to her husband to explain what's going on and suggests that he should call the school and let them know that Vance would be absent today. She's almost done making a plan with her husband when she hears a quiet, shaky "Mom?" from behind her and she just instinctively answers, "Just a minute, baby" without looking at him, which had been a mistake. The next thing she hears is a gag and the sound of liquid hitting the floor, followed by the most heart-wrenching sob, she hopes she never hears come from her son ever again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Vance sniffles, leaning heavily on his mom as she had made her way back over to him.

She shushes him softly, carding her fingers through his sweaty hair. "It's okay, I know you didn't. Let's just get you back into bed huh? I'll get you some medicine and clean this up when you're all settled."

Vance doesn't say anything back, just leans against her as she guides him up the stairs and back to his room. He lets her tuck him into bed like he's still a child and doesn't even complain which shows how sick he really is.

Veronica goes to get him some water and makes him take some medicine which again, he takes with no complaint. She kisses his forehead, running her fingers through his curls once more and waits for his eyes to fall shut before she turns away. She's about to go down and clean up the mess that Vance left on the kitchen floor when she feels five bony fingers grip her wrist.

"Will you lay with me, please?" Vance slurs pathetically, and he's so glad none of his friends are here to see him act like such a baby.

Maybe Veronica spoils him like Billy always scolds her for but she could never say no to Vance. He was her baby and he always would be. She piles into bed beside Vance and holds him close, humming softly. The mess downstairs could wait, Billy probably took care of it already anyway.

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