brance- i know

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Vance leant against the bath tub, hand over his mouth to muffle his sobs. He could feel the wetness in his boxers, he knew what it meant without checking. Tears flowed hot down his cheeks as he stared at the door to the bedroom beyond where his boyfriend slept peacefully. He didn't know how to explain this to Bruce.

The sobs came harder. He had been looking forward to spending this half term at Bruce's. They had plans to explore the countryside, to cuddle and just spend time with each other – time wasn't something they had gotten to spend with each other much between assignments.

But Vance didn't know how to tell him surprise, I'm trans and mother nature decided to fuck me a whole week early. Vance shook his head at the mere thought.

He couldn't just drop this on Bruce like this. He needed to get home to the safety of his own bed, his hot water bottle, his plush bears and Netflix. He could just say he was sick, that he wanted to go home and didn't want to get Bruce sick too – they were sharing a bed; it wouldn't be too out there. Along with Bruce's slight germophobia, Bruce would probably have his Mother drive Vance back to his own house. Vance took a breath and rubbed his face before his blood froze. The door opened and Vance looked up to see Bruce mid-yawn.

"V? You okay?"

Bruce moved over and Vance scrambled to his feet. "I'm fine, I'm fine." Vance turned his body away to hide his face, obviously showing he having been crying. He forced himself to laugh shakily. "I just don't feel well, Bruce... I think I should go home."


Vance raised an eyebrow, only to catch sight of Bruce in the mirror – and the bright red stain saturating his pale grey boxers Bruce was staring at.

Tears filled Vance's eyes again, making him gasp as he hugged himself. "Bruce, I–"

Vance fell silent as he heard Bruce walking off, and he slowly sunk down to sit on the bath tub. His body rocked with the sobs slipping from his throat, and he tried to calm himself enough so this could be taken civilly. He sucked a deep breath in through gritted teeth and squeezed the edge of the bathtub.

He was about to get up and go find him, when Bruce appeared in the doorway, his cheeks dusted pink. Vance raised an eyebrow before he realised what Bruce was holding.

"The underwear is a new pair of my sister's, not worn at all, promise. I don't know if you... need that."

Vance watched Bruce's cheeks flush from pink to a deep red, his ears even changing colour. His heart felt warm as he reached out and took the underwear and sanitary towels Bruce held out and held them to his chest. "Bruce, I-"

"-Sort yourself out, I'll be out here."

Bruce shut the door behind him as he made a – rather speedy – exit from the bathroom and Vance stared down at what he held. He couldn't help but smile as he washed and changed, coming back out drying his hands.

Tears welled in Vance's eyes and his mouth fell open.

Bruce had pulled the blankets around his bed so that the resembled a nest, almost. There were plenty of pillows, and a hot water bottle against Vance's pillows. A tray of unhealthy breakfast food sat on the bedside table as Bruce set his laptop up, only to smile when he saw Vance.

"You okay? You look like you're about to burst into tears."

Vance scrubbed at his eyes. "I'm fine." He dragged his feet over to Bruce, and collapsed against him. Bruce chuckled softly and held him close.

Vance shook as he felt Bruce's hand rub up and down his spine and scrunched his eyes up. "You can cry, V, it's okay."

"You're being so nice, I don't understand... I lied to you I never told you–"

"–Hey. You didn't lie to me. You just weren't ready to tell me. I've known for a while anyway."

Vance pulled back, eyes wide. "You knew?"

Bruce smiled sheepishly. "There's been a few morning when I've woken up early and your shirt... didn't cover anything. I figured you'd tell me when you were ready. But it's alright, I don't have any issues with it, and you don't have to be ashamed right now, alright? I have a sister and a mom, it's alright."

Vance smiled, laughing softly and shaking his head. "I thought... I just thought..."

"I'm not a transphobic asshole. Come on." Bruce sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him.

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