rinney- rings

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Robin had such a bad habit of falling asleep with his rings on. Well, in Finney's eyes, it was apparently a bad habit. Finney was always telling him to take them off and Robin usually forgot, but now when he wakes up in the morning, they're magically on the little tray by the bed.

He usually falls asleep faster than Finney does, because of the insomnia, but one night a flutter of fingers wakes him up. He hears quiet murmuring and does his best not to freeze or let Finney know he's awake. Finney is so carefully pulling each ring off. The most gentle caresses, careful ministrations of pulling the rings off Robin's fingers to place them in the tray. Whisper soft kisses pressed against knuckles and Robin can almost see the soft smile gracing his boyfriend's face.

So, every night, Robin pretends to fall asleep, just so he can drown himself in the moment of Finney taking the rings off for him.

Every night, Finney does so without fail, moving slow like molasses so he doesn't wake Robin up. It makes Robin feel warm inside, being so cared for. He knows Finney would ham it up if he were awake and Robin would preen like the drama queen he can be, but quiet like this, where Finney doesn't know? It feels more intimate, and Robin has never felt the love quite like he does as when Finney takes care of him, tender through and through.

"Sweet dreams, baby," Finney always barely breathes out at the end, and the murmur makes it so hard for Robin not to cheese and blush.

Come hell or high water, he's keeping Finney forever.

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