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(Author's note on chapter creation)

Starting date: January 5, 2023

Ending date: January 16, 2023


Chat: *Ding!*

Journal update uploading.

...update finish.


Day 15 {note 7}

Producing footage. Uploading omnipotent view.
...Auto record footage...


(Now playing)
↻ ⏮ ◁ II ▷ ⏭ ↺

[The first thing shown in the footage is a room that had white walls and a white door that had a red cross. Inside were two people sitting on their chairs at the table.]

[The former sipped her tea while the latter folded his hands.]

[Then the latter starts talking.]

Hector x: so... you know why you were here?

[The former raises an eyebrow as she places the teacup back on the table.]

Muilly: why yes. You told me to because you are here to tell me something.

[Hector X nodded.]

Muilly: then go on with it!

Hector X: ok, ok! Um... to start things off, I need assistance. A help, perhaps, from you.

[This piqued her interest as She leaned forward.]

Muilly: ...go on.

Hector X: (muttering while turning away from Muilly) know what, fuck plan A. (normal) *ahem* so, you know what is my name?

Muilly: Hector X.

[A nod.]

Hector X: and do you-

Muilly: Terrarian.

Hector X: whut?

[And that caught Him off guard.]

Hector X: how do you know that?

Muilly: your anatomy.

Hector X: my anatomy?

[the prodigy nurse nodded as she picked up her bag and unzipped it. She then pulled out five books, with some titles visible saying 'The Terrarian Body: What We Don't Know', and 'Terraria 101'.]

[Hector X picked up one of the books that was on the table and flipped some pages till he stopped and read.]

Hector X: "Theories stated that the Terrarians (both first and second) have no hunger, thus making both of them incapable of eating. But in some cases on the notes, both of them still get taste buds, meaning that they will eat if the food has flavor." Huh, now that I think about it...

[Hector mused before He kept reading, with Muilly waiting for him while sipping Her tea.]

Hector X: "Attempts to dissect the second Terrarian is immediately disbanded as it is immoral and illegal." Ok, what?

(Part 1) Hector X's Adventure journal (Terraria)Where stories live. Discover now