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Day 22

Eve sat out in a field of grass and just stared up at the night sky. The stars shone brightly as they painted the sky in the most beautiful way. After they had left Ayrknot base in Wyoming, they had found a car and headed out on the road again. They made it just outside of Salt Lake City by early morning the next day where they found a small farmhouse on several acres of grass and Forrest. They decided to stay for the rest for the day there, resting before they headed out again.

Eve had been surprised but not unhappy at all when Adam practically jumped her once they were alone. He had passionately made love to her for most of the afternoon and he didn't let her leave the bed until just before sunset. He had been gentle though, and when he was done he simply laid in her lap with his ear to her stomach. He seemed happy to her and Eve was no longer afraid of what the future would hold. As long as they were together, she knew everything was going to be ok.

Eve sighed, thinking back on the journey that brought her here. It had been long and arduous, at times painful and horrifying, but everything worked out in the end. Wade was now in the resistance's custody and David had disappeared without a trace. Genesis had explained to the other three men what had happened to Eve and why Fox needed to be destroyed. After they left Ayrknot base, Genesis had indeed set off the reactor and as they drove away with the ominous black walls in the distance, they heard the thunderous boom of the explosion. Genesis explained that even if anything survived, no one would be able to set foot inside the base safely for decades.

When they had driven to Salt Lake City, they saw the numerous bodies of dead Fallen along the way. It was daunting at times, but nonetheless real. Eve couldn't believe something so simple and quick could have completely wiped out every Fallen on the planet. The apocalypse was finally over.

"I thought I would find you here." Adam said from behind her and she turned to look up at him.

"I figured I have nothing to worry about now that the Fallen are gone." She said simply as Adam sank down next to her.

"I wouldn't say you have nothing to worry about." He said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't I? I'm a Hybrid now, right? I mean, I have those nanites inside me, same as you." She reasoned, suddenly growing curious.

Adam seemed to ponder something, looking deep in thought.

"I suppose. We'll have to test out whether or not you have the same strength and speed, but maybe later. We don't want to risk the baby's health until we know more." He said, reaching over to place a hand on her stomach gently.

Eve smiled, placing her hands on top of his.

"I suppose you're right." She sighed contently.

There was a small moment of silence as they simply sat there peacefully.

"I'm so glad I found you." Adam said quietly.

Eve glanced at him, smiling. "I'm glad you did too. You make me so happy, Adam."

"What kind of life do you want after all this? Where do you want to raise our child?" He asked.

Eve thought about it, then she had an idea.

"What about Washington? Where you used to live with your parents? It sounds like the quiet life you always wanted." She told him.

Adam smiled warmly. "That sounds wonderful."


Day 23

All four of them walked up to the giant mansion in the woods just outside of LA. They exchanged looks before Eve went to knock on the front door. A moment later, it opened and Adrian stood there looking surprised.

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