The Fallen

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This story is not intended for audiences under 18 years of age. It contains adult themes and violence such as explicit sexual content, gore, blood, and alcohol use.


This story contains sensitive material throughout referring to sexual violence. This warning will be placed on the main chapters with references to these themes.

Viewers discretion is advised.

Authors note:

Hello dear readers! This is one of the biggest published stories I've ever done and I worked a long time to write this. I have re-read and edited this story many times, but I am not a professional, so I may go back in the future and clean it up some more, but for now, I'm taking a break. I hope you enjoy it and please like, share, and comment. I would love to hear your feedback. Happy reading!

Day 1


Groaning, she opened her eyes. With blurred vision and dulled senses, she attempted to look around at where she was.

'Wait a minute.....who am I? Where am I? What happened to me?'

A name suddenly echoed through her head as clearly as if someone had called out to her.


That was it. Nothing else.

She sat up with a start, her heart suddenly racing as she began to panic. 'Why can't I remember who I am?' She thought to herself as she took labored breaths, trying to calm herself down. That was until she caught sight of the room she was in.

The room was utterly white. White walls, white tile floors, a white bed, and white sheets. It made the gruesome scene on the floor in front of her bed seem all the more eerie and horrifying as Eve gazed numbly down at a man's corpse, blood splattered on the floor and wall behind him. There was a pistol in his right hand and Eve could only assume he had shot himself. He was an older man, though it was hard to tell with his blotched decomposing skin. The only real indication of his age was the greying hair on his head which seemed to be falling out slowly as his corpse began to mummify in the cool dry room.

Eve could only stare. She could not process the overwhelming emotions washing over her in that moment and Eve covered her mouth to stifle a scream as tears spilled down her cheeks. She scrambled out of bed without thinking, desperately trying to get as far away from the gruesome scene in front her as she could, and fell when she got tangled up in IV cords attached to her body. She could not feel the pain as she peeled them away from her hastily, rolling over onto her backside as she scooted awkwardly towards the far end of the room. When her back hit the wall, she let out a long shaky breath, her heart beat drumming her ears.

All she could see was that decomposed corpse on the white floor. It was so ominous, so stark in contrast to her surroundings that she had no other choice but to stare at it, petrified with fear. She wasn't sure how long she did, but soon she felt the aching in her body, the thirst burning in her throat, and the pain in her forearms where she had torn out her IV's. Wherever she was and whatever had happened to her, she guessed that she had been asleep for a while because she felt as though she were half dead as well. She had not noticed thanks to the adrenaline coursing through her, but now, it was beginning to fade away, leaving ruin in its wake.

'I have to get out of this room.' She thought, trying to convince herself to get up and move.

After several long moments, Eve got to her feet. She struggled, but she still managed, leaning against the wall for support.

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