What We Are

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After about a half an hour of driving on the road, they made it to a small cabin outside of the city. Michael wasted no time in helping Ian carry Adam inside quickly, pushing everything off of the dining room table to lay him down on it. Michael then ran to the bathroom and came back a few seconds later with a stack of towels in his hands. Both him and Ian began stripping Adam's ruined clothes off down to his waist, exposing the gruesome wounds underneath. Eve covered her mouth, shocked and horrified at how quickly Adam had been brutalized.

"He's still alive, honey. The damage is only surface, as far as I can see, so he will recover soon. We are just cleaning him up." Michael told her, glancing over his shoulder to give her a sympathetic look.

Eve stared at him in disbelief. "What?"

"He's a Hybrid. It takes a lot more than just a few scratches to kill one of us." Ian said nonchalantly as he started wiping the blood off of Adam's body with a wet towel.

"Why don't you wait in the other room? When we are done, we'll come get you sweetie, I promise." Michael said, nodding his head towards one of the doors in the cabin.

Eve hesitated, but after looking at Adam again, she figured it was best to walk away. Eve sat on a small brown recliner in the corner of the room, putting her head in her hands. She caught sight of Adam's blood covering her arms and pulled them away in horror. She quickly ran to the bathroom and turned on the sink, shakily washing the blood off frantically. She felt sickened as the water turned red, swirling ominously down the drain. It was everywhere.

She turned the sink off, realizing she was barely doing anything with how much of a mess she was. Instead, she sat down on the ground and wrapped her arms around her knees. She started crying again, feeling guilty for everything that had happened.

"This is all my fault." She whispered to herself.


After about an hour, Michael knocked on the door before walking inside cautiously. Eve was still sitting on the bathroom floor and when he saw her, he sighed.

"Come on, honey. You're a mess. Let's grab you some new clothes and get you in the shower." Michael said, walking over to where she sat on the floor.

Eve hesitated, frowning at Michael with a questioning gaze.

"Why did you help us?" She whispered, feeling fresh tears welling up in her eyes.

Michael kneeled down next to her, giving her a warm smile.

"Someone helped me once. I'm just paying it forward. Besides, I hate Viktor. I hope the bitch has a headache for a week." Michael spat.

Eve's eyes went wide. "He's not dead?"

Michael looked surprised as if she was asking a dumb question.

"It's like Ian said, it's hard to kill us. Viktor's an even harder bastard to kill. He's like a fucking cockroach." He said, looking genuinely annoyed.

Eve was stunned. She shot Viktor three times in the back, then Michael had shot him right in the head. How in god's name can anyone survive that?

"Was Adam really in danger?" She asked curiously.

Michael shook his head. "He may have had a shitty week, but he would have lived. Again, very hard to kill."

Eve sat there in thought, staring off into space as her mind wandered.

"Come on, sugar. Let's go. Ian moved your friend Adam into the other bedroom. It's your turn. Are you hurt anywhere? We're you bitten?" Michael asked.

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