A New Beginning 2

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Eve suddenly shook her head.

"I can't." She whispered.

"How come? Do you not want to?" He asked.

Eve couldn't respond. She was too embarrassed and nervous.

Adam suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips to her's roughly, his tongue immediately sliding into her mouth when she gasped. He kissed her, more intensely than he ever had, his hands gripping her body firmly as he pulled her close. Eve sighed against his mouth, unable to hold it back. Adam broke the kiss only to trail more kisses down her jaw until he got to her ear.

"Do you want me to show you instead?" He asked.

Eve let out a small noise, squirming underneath him helplessly, slowly losing her senses.

"Yes." She whispered finally, unable to control her desire.

Adam started planting kisses on her neck, his tongue grazing her skin lightly. He made it to her collar bone and Eve reacted by gripping the bedsheets. His lips left a trail of fire on her neck and she wanted him to kiss her everywhere like that. When he made it to the edge of her clothing, he leaned back to look her in the eyes again. With slow movements, Adam grabbed the bottom of her shirt and started pulling it up, his eyes locked onto hers as he did. Once the shirt got to her wrists, Adam grabbed them and pinned them down as he brought his face closer to hers.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" He asked.

Eve involuntarily shivered again, then she nodded fervently. She didn't want him to stop making her feel this way and it both excited and scared her.

Still holding her hands above her head, Adam leaned down again and continued kissing where he left off. He got to her clavicle and Eve held her breath. Then, his lips started trailing across her right breast, making her squirm. She was beyond herself and all she could think about was what Adam was doing to her. When he made it to the middle, his mouth closed around it and Eve let out a loud gasp. His tongue began to play with it, sending jolts of pleasure all the way down to her lower stomach.

Unable to hold back, Eve moaned wantonly as Adam continued to play with her breast. It was so vulgar and primal, but it felt better than anything she had ever experienced in her life. She felt like she was floating on a cloud of desire and Adam was carrying her away on it.

When he lifted his head to stare up at her, his eyes looked both pleased and hungry as he watched her reaction. Eve shivered visibly, squeezing her legs together involuntarily. Adam leaned up again so that he could kiss her and Eve opened her mouth eagerly, making him groan as her tongue sought his first. Eve wanted to do this with him forever, she never wanted to stop.

While he kissed her passionately, his free hand slid up her stomach towards her other breast, then he grasped it firmly, making Eve moan against his mouth. His fingers played with the delicate and sensitive skin, each movement making her moan and cry out in ecstasy in-between fervent kisses. Adam was moaning too, his brow pulling together in a pained expression. He looked tortured by each sound she made, his body tensing in reaction.

He broke away, both of them gasping as Eve stared up at him with glazed over eyes. She felt like putty in his hands and the desire and hunger in his eyes made her bite her lip to keep from moaning again.

"Do you want me to keep going?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

Eve sighed helplessly. "Yes."

Adam grunted, his jaw clenching as he closed his eyes. Eve had never seen him try so hard to hold back and he looked as though it was causing him pain.

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