Extra 2

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"Today the Ruiz' youngest son, Kaius Ruiz is throwing his son a birthday fiesta! Of course, this is invitation only, but it's also the biggest event from the Ruiz' family since Kaius' wedding with his wife" a reporter spoke to the camera from outside our gates.

"Ah look! The gates are opening for the guest. As you all can see, cars lined up around the block. Wow, that line must go for miles!" She spoke with shock "It seems, The Ruiz' second youngest son, Ambrose Ruiz is the first to arrive, with his boyfriend? Fiancé? And three kids." The camera turned to Ambrose's car. Both Ambrose and Shay got the kids out of the car before it drove off.

"Ambrose Ruiz! When are you guys going to get married?! Have you purposes yet?" Another reporter shouted from outside the gates.

"Fraisa! Over here! You've grown into a stunning young lady! What are your thoughts on your parent's relationship?" Another shouted.

Fraisa was now eight years old going to nine. She held her brother's hands. "Come let's go in" Shay directed his kids. He glared at the paparazzi. He wasn't a fan of them intruding into their lives.

"Ambrose will you please speak on your relationship," the reporter lady asked.

"It's none of your business" Ambrose stated before releasing a small smirk as he raised his hand showing a ring. The crowd of reports went feral with questions. What did that mean? Were they married? Or getting married? They wanted answers.

Ambrose then grabbed Griffin, who began to get fussy due to the crowd.

In the crowd stood a familiar but revengeful face. A hat covered their face as they blended in with the paparazzi and reporters.

"I'm so happy you guys could make it" I threw my arms around Shay. "Of course, we'd come. I wouldn't want to miss my godchild's third birthday. Boys go find Rui, give him a big hug, and wish him a happy birthday!" he told the twins.

Atticus grabbed Griffin's hand and ran off to find Rui.

"Where's Kaius?" Ambrose asked. "He's out back, he's still setting up the many bounce houses. He went a little crazy on the activities" I giggled.

Ambrose smiled "Sounds like him. I'm sure Ruben will have the best birthday. Also just like you asked, I brought my boys along. No reporters will be able to sneak inside"

"Thank you. Man is it me or are reporters getting more aggressive these days?" I sighed. Lately, I've been worried to go out with Ruben. There have been many times we've been followed and stalked. Kaius and I wanted to keep Ruben's face away from the public's eye, but that hasn't been a success because paparazzi have been following our family around. Anyone could try anything. My biggest fear was something happening to Ruben.

"They are" Shay sighed "I can't go anywhere with the kids without a bodyguard"

"Yeah. Well, let's focus on the kids and push our worries aside. Nothing can go wrong" Ambrose patted my shoulder. "Right," Shay nodded.

They were right. We shouldn't worry and enjoy ourselves. I became antsy because I had something I wanted to share with Shay. "Shay" I spoke in a low voice, gesturing that he come closer.

Shay leaned in as I whispered into his ear my good news "What?! Really?!"

"Yes. We aren't telling anyone because we want to announce it to everyone later" I touched my belly.

"I'm so happy for you!" Shay hugged me "Do you know the gender?"

"Not yet. But we will soon. Ruben's going to be a big brother" I whispered.


"Rui! Rui!" Atticus ran up to Rui with a big smile. He stopped in front of him before giving him a big hug "Mommy said to hug you"

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