Chapter 16

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"Hey you good? You keep glaring at that couple" Kenji was referring to Kaius and Talia. I didn't realize that I was staring at them. I must've appeared creepy or weird to Kenji.

Kaius and Talia were seated across the room from us. I don't think they've noticed us yet and hoped they wouldn't.

"They aren't a couple" I snapped. Kenji stared at my with wide eyes. His look that told me, I was crazy. "Sorry, they aren't. Um yet, hehe. They're two of my friends, um our friend group set up them up together. So hehe yeah. I'm just watching from afar since it looks like things are going great! Between them!" I clinched my teeth together.

Why were they together?

This was irritating. Only because Kaius stopped hanging out with me.

Sure I missed being around him, but that was it. He was like a little brother. That I had sex with.. I guess he was more like a friend that I sleep with occasionally— happen to sleep with. . .

"Oh isn't that exciting— hey isn't that Kaius?" Kenji began to recognize Kaius. I assumed he recognized him because he was very known at school. Well duh, he the only dominant alpha on our campus. "He's the heir to Starrs company, damn that boy got money" He sighed.

It wasn't a secret that Kaius and Ambrose were on a celebrities level of popularity. They've been in interviews, photoshoot, the whole sha-bang. Even so, student on campus treated them like any other, some of course adored and fanned over them. But for the most part, they were treated normally, well like the hot popular guys.

I nodded "yeah." I glanced back at the two. I hated how good they looked together. Kaius looked at Talia in a way that made me more frustrated. He's never looked at anyone like he did her.

"Ah that's Talia, she's dope. I have a class with her and we went to the same high school" He stated proudly. "Really? What is she like?" I've met Talia once, didn't talk or get to know her.

"She's one of those girls that you can just vibe with. Her personality is great. She is kind, thoughtful, goofy and fun to be around. She has this adorable habit where she covers her face when she's nervous or embarrassed" He smiled.

I thought it was strange the way he spoke about her. I smirked devilishly "oh? Are you guys close?" I innocently questioned.

"Nah nah, she's just someone I went to high school with" he sighed "I've recently been able to have a decent conversation with her. In high school, she'd be crowded with guys around her. I mean it makes sense, she's. . Beautiful"

"I think you~ like her" I kept my eyes on him. Kenji laughed nervously "I don't. Really, we barely talk"

"Mhm~ if you say so" I now had a reason to separate Kaius and Talia. It wasn't like I was being a bad friend. I was being a good one, to Kenji. I'm going to get him alone with Talia so he can charm her. "I think you guys would make a good couple"

"You think so?" Kenji rubbed the back of his neck, "nah she looks good with Kaius"

I frowned "where's your self confidence! You two would be a better fit" I scoffed. "Let me help you. You're a catch, I'm sure if you just get time with Talia, things could work out" I gave a little wink.

Kenji laughed "seriously, I'm good. I'm not that interested anyway" he glanced away.

"Don't lie to yourself"

"Why do you seem egear for me to get with Talia? Weren't you trying to get Kaius and her together? Why the sudden change?" He questioned.

"I only want to help you out. Kaius has other options" I rolled my eyes, "trust me, I'll be your wingman"

Kenji glanced towards Talia and Kaius before looking back at me "I guess I'd like to get to know her better" he gave a soft smile.

A devilish smile crept into my face "perfect" I chuckled. "Don't smile like that, I feel like I'm making a deal with the devil" Kenji joked.

I laughed "ah no need to be dramatic, this will be fun!"

I hummed to myself. I was seated at the desk in my room as I jotted down a plan to get Kenji and Talia together.

"Hyung?" Doyun tapped my shoulder.

I jumped to the sudden touch. I knocked my headphones off "what?! You scared me! Goodness" I took a few dramatic deep breaths, "geez, what do you want"

Doyun rolled his eyes "I had a question."

"About?" I moved my hand as if I were trying to move the conversation along faster.

"Omegas."  Doyun got quiet.

"What? Say that louder" this was irritating. I wanted to get back to what I was doing.

"Omegas.. I want to know something about omegas" He huffed.

I raised a brow as I closed my notebook. I turned in my seat to face him, ready to give him my full attention "okay? What about omegas?"

Doyun shyly played with the bottom of his shirt "how do you know when their heat is coming?"

"Huh? Why do you wanna know that? Wait why are you even asking about omegas? Did you meet one?"

"I did. . This one's small compared to everyone else, and looks like a fragile doe. All the alphas in class talk about wanting to take advantage of them when their heat comes. I want to protect them from that happening"

I sighed. It was disgusting how young alphas were willing to take advantage of someone at their weakest. This world disgusted me. "Did you report them?" I asked.

"I did. The teachers only said they were joking and not to take it seriously." Doyun frowned. Private school, are always the worst. Anything can fly if you family has money, whether your in private or public school. Any school is willing to turn a blind eye if paid enough.

"Well there's no actual way that you'll be able to know. Oh actually, they'll smell sweeter then usual" I told him. I'm glad my brother want to protect a fellow classmate.

"Sweeter than usual, got it" Doyun nodded.

"Is your classmate a boy or girl?" I asked.

"I actually can't tell if their a girl or a boy. Everyone just calls them omega" He explained "I don't want to offend them by asking.." he mumbled.

"Oh. Okay then" I gave a little smile. I liked that my brother came to me for something. He's always the know it all.

This might be his first encounter with another omega other than me. I was a bit worried. "Hey. If your classmate does go into heat, you need to get a beta teacher. Don't approach them." I warned him.

Doyun was guarded when it came to omegas heats. He didn't go to a public school where omegas were common, he went to a private school, that was filled with only betas and alphas. He's never experienced an omega have a heat. I doubted he'd be able to control himself.

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