Chapter 24

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"Alright, everyone! Attention! It's been a great day. The staff has prepared a small treasure hunt for those who wanna participate. We will split everyone into a team of two. You and your partner will go into the woods to find these papers! Each will have a number upon them and that will be the points" a man spoke into a megaphone "Everyone will be able to look for about two hours, the ones with the most points win, and will get a prize"

"What if we get lost?" Nathan questioned. "Good question" the guy spoke "There will be yellow bands wrapped around the borders of trees, if you pass them you are too far out. If for some reason you cannot find your way back, there are many cabins spread around the area. Go into one of those cabins, there will be a phone for you to call for help. A crew member will come and find you. If you are unable to get to a cabin, the staff will know you are missing. We will do a check-in and out, to make sure everyone has returned" he explained "Try to stay with your partners okay?" He smiled "Alrighty who's signing up!"

I looked at Kaius "Do you wanna do it?" I asked him. Geez, his face was red and his eyes were half closed. He mentioned that he was fine earlier. "Huh yeah yeah let's do it. It'll be fun" he nodded. "Maybe you should stay back" I suggest.

"No no, I'm fine. Really I am" Kaius began walking to the man to sign up.

I frowned. He's stubborn, he's going to keep pushing himself until he collapse. I followed after him. I'm sure if I were to touch his forehead, he'd be burning up.

"This is going to be fun. Whoever my partner is they better be ready to win" Ambrose walked up beside me. "Nah you're gonna lose" I challenge him "My partner and I will win"

Ambrose laughed "You're cute to think you'd beat me" he patted my head. "I will just watch" I looked up at him. "Idiots there's no way in hell I'll let either of you win" Shay walked up to us.

"Oh sure" Ambrose looked at him "beating you two, I could do in my sleep". "As if" Shay scoffed.

I laughed "Let's make it a challenge". "A challenge?" Both Ambrose and Shay looked at me.

"Yeah, a challenge. Whoever has more points than the others, wins." I stated. Ambrose stood up straight "Okay, if I win, you both need to be my personal maids for two whole days and it'll come with an outfit"

"Like hell that'll happen," Shay muttered, "if I win you guys will do whatever I tell y'all for a week". "Pfft, if I win— Ambrose will run nude around the quad, and Shay you'll wear a cat maid outfit to school" I smirked.

"I'd like to see that" Ambrose chuckled. Shay punched him in the stomach "You're on" he looked at me. Ambrose groaned as he crunched his stomach "Yeah it's a deal"

"Okay, we've paired y'all up into teams. Kenji with Bailey. Shay with Alexander" the man in charge of the game called out names "Ambrose and Kaius"

I looked at Kaius who seemed out of it then to Ambrose. "Oh yay." Ambrose grumbled. He wasn't a fan of having his brother as his partner.

The man continued to call names. I waited patiently for mine. I hope I get someone I know.

"Finally, Day- day young? and Talia" he finished calling. "Day young" Ambrose laughed as he patted my back.

My jaw dropped. I didn't want to go with her. I didn't even like her and now I gotta pretend. Damn, I'm stuck with my competition.

I pushed Ambrose's hand as I rolled my eyes playfully "You're too much"

Ambrose smiled "can't wait to see you guys in your cute outfits" he stated "cmon Kaius. We aren't losing"

Shay looked at me "Have fun" he glanced to Talia who was now approaching. "Shay baby!" Alexander waved from afar. Shay frowned.

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