a ritual turned good

Start from the beginning

"It better remain that way," Lisa threatened. "Any word of this to anyone and we'll see just how 'satanic ritualistic' I can get."

"You're cute when you're threatening." Seulgi said with a grin.

"Shut up." Lisa mumbled.

The doorbell rang and Ten smiled deviously, raising his eyebrows up at Lisa.

"Hoods up!" He commanded.

Lisa swung her hood up and over her head, watching as Seulgi did the same. Lisa's own hood hung low over her eyes, limiting her view. She made her way to the door carefully, watching to make sure she didn't step on any unsuspecting item, especially in the dim lighting. She swung the door open, wide just like Ten wanted, letting the pizza delivery person take it all in. Only after a moment did Lisa raise her head.

Fuck. Lisa was fucked. The pizza delivery person was a girl and she was pretty and Lisa was going to have to ask for her number.

Luckily the girl looked widely amused at all of this, as opposed to the other option of pure terror. Her eyebrows were raised and a small smile, as though she was part of an elaborate inside joke, was on her lips.

"Your pizza?" She said, holding up the box.

Yes. Lisa was definitely fucked.

Lisa slowly lowered her hood, allowing her intense stare to pierce through the girl. As Seulgi had said earlier, the dark shadowing around her eyes would make them stand out even more, something the pizza girl was definitely noticing.

"Your money." Lisa said in a voice that almost sounded bored.

The girl took the money and handed over the pizza.

"One moment." Lisa said as she stepped back, leaving the door wide open. As she made her way into the kitchen she glanced in her friends' direction and could have sworn Ten gave her a small wink. Lisa set the two pizza boxes down on the counter and grabbed the tip, a little extra for putting up with her friends' charade.

As Lisa turned to make her way back to the door, she didn't fail to notice the way the pizza girl was craning her neck to see further in.

"Your tip." Lisa said as she held it out.

"Thank you."

Lisa was about to speak up and ask the girl for her number when she was interrupted.

"By the way, do you think I could get your number? Maybe we could hang out, once your sacrifice is finished and all."

Lisa couldn't fucking believe it. The girl had beat her to the fucking punch. She had to play this cool. She was startled at this change from the plan, and took a moment to recover.

"No sacrifices here." Lisa joked, except maybe her pride. "Your phone," she said as she held out her hand, letting her words drag out.

The girl fished a phone out of her back pocket and handed it over, amused grin still on her face. "My name's Jennie, by the way."

Lisa said nothing and instead typed her name and number in before handing it back.

"Talk to you soon, Lisa." Jennie said after looking down at her phone.

Lisa nodded in agreement and then shut the door. She immediately turned to glare at Ten, who was already howling with laughter.

"Not a fucking word." Lisa growled as she made her way to the kitchen.

"But she asked you first!" Ten insisted as he pulled Seulgi up. "That's fucking hilarious!"

"Well I've done your stupid bet. Now leave me to my pizza."

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