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POV: Yours

Destination: The penthouse

My fingers ran through all the memories my dad and I made through the years.

His study smelled like pure leather.

It was a beautiful study, a lot of his books were old, but I knew my dad, he wouldn't hide his information in a book or in a book.

He loved mysteries, he swore people were out to get him since we were young.

I picked up a book on his desk and opened it, just to find pictures, all of the ones he took of him and I.

They all had dates and a little note on them beneath the picture, describing the day, the first picture was of him holding me when I was just born, it was like a sweet diary entry.

(Birthday date)

I am excited to say that I am officially a father, her name is Y/n, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on her, she was gonna be something special, she would change the world.

I felt my heart clench as I saw the rest of the pictures.

December 24th.

Y/n's christmas wasn't the same, her mom was on heroin, and when I apologized to her, she looked at me and said "It's fine dad, it's not like she doesn't do this a lot recently." it pained me that her teenage years were already full of dark memories. I decided to apply for a position in this laboratory that does work with the multi-verse. Hopefully we can move on for the better.


I picked up the journal and put it in my bag, someone was here.

I opened the window quietly, "Someone is here." Shit.

I knew that voice though.


The door broke open, I put my arms up, "Y/n?" Natalie questioned, Gwen and Miles stood side by side her.

"She's still alive?" Miles whispered, "Very much so." Gwen replied as she crossed her arms, I was about to jump out, "Wait!" Miles shouted, I turn to look at him, "Look, we wanna help, we know you got stuck in this position, we can help." he said, Natalie nodded, but Gwen just ignored to look at me.

"Why do you wanna help me?" I asked as I backed up more, Miles didn't know what to say, I sighed, "Okay-" "We're all the same age Y/n, everyone in this room lost someone special to them, Miles lost his uncle, Gwen lost her best friend, the other Y/n lost both of her parents, you might loose your dad anytime soon because of-" "Actually, he is dead." I muttered.

Their eyes all shot up from shock, "Y/n I am so sorry." Miles quickly said, Gwen wanted to say something but couldn't. "I don't need your pity, I just want this mess to end." I said.

Natalie nodded, "Let us step in then, stay, I promise you fighting alone won't get you anywhere." Natalie said as she walked closer to me, I didn't wanna tear up, but my eyes couldn't handle it, "Just let me do this alone." I whispered, Natalie got closer and pulled me in for a hug, I wanted to push her off, and I tried to, but she hugged me tighter, "It's okay." she whispered, I cried harder in her chest, she looked at Miles and Gwen, "Guys give us a minute." she said.

The two teen heroes nodded and got out, closing the door.

She pulled away and caressed my cheek, "It's okay to let it out you know." she said, I sniffed and chuckled, "It shows weakness, I know the Y/n you guys know from 1610 must have been a catch since she saved her planet, but I fucked mines up, along with that, my dad is dead." I ranted.

She nodded and caressed my head, "Y/n, you are not alone, okay? You are the strongest person I know, but you need help, you need our help, let us step in, there is an army of angry people out there who are out for your blood, if that was me in your position, I'd loose it." she explained.

We shared a moment of silence, "I'm sorry for webbing you to the wall a year ago." I blurted out.

She smiled, "It's all good." 

I always wondered how Gwen was so close with her back then, I mean she was very pretty, sometimes I wondered if they were in love, but they never were. It wasn't until this moment I realized how kind hearted she could be.

"Do you need another minute?" she asked.

I shook my head, "I think I am ready." 

"Come on, let's get you up." she said with a genuine smile, as we got up, she called at the two friends to come back inside.

I took a deep breath, "Would you guys be willing to help me?" I asked, Miles smiled, "Always." we all turned to Gwen, she sighed, "I gue-" Natalie glared at her, "I mean yes! Of course!" she said nervously.

We all laughed.

It was good to know I wasn't alone.

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