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POV: Yours

Destination: HQ

Time: ???

I grabbed a bagel and lifted my mask a little to take a bite out of it, "What are you doing?" Cameron asked. "Blending in." I replied and grabbed an empanada, "This looks good." "Okay! Stop! We need to focus!" She exclaimed and dropped my bagel. I glared at her, "It had CREAM CHEESE YOU IDIOT!" "Yeah well-" "Excuse me." A voice interrupted our argument, I looked up and saw a tall guy, like 6'9 tall, buff as well, small waist, and a fatter ass than mine.

"You took the last empanada." He said.

I scoffed, "and?"

"I'd like it."

"I got it first." I replied as I put the mask down, "I think I deserve it, niña Chiquita." He replied as he leaned down to look at me closely, Cameron looked like she wanted to freak but I just stared at the obviously latino Spider-Man standing in front of me through my mask.

"Well I don't, you're not the only spider man here, you're not special, if I got it first, then it's mine, you can wait for yours." I said and walked away, Cameron followed behind quickly and shoved me into a restroom, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?" She exclaimed, I shrugged, "No I was just hungry."

"That's the guy who's in charge of headquarters! You fucking idiot oh my god were screwed!" M eyes widened, shit shit.

"Okay let's calm down, it's okay! Let's just do what we were gonna do! Okay?" I asked, she scoffed "Yeah right. I'm just going to do this mission on my own. If you get caught, it won't be our problem." She said before walking out of the room.

I chuckled.

You'll see who wins this.


Walking into the main room was easy.

As I walked in I saw a lot of technology, but none of what I wanted, one of the boards he was watching was of a girl, a girl who looked like me in a black and red spider woman costume, like Miles's. She swung by the city and saved someone from dying.

She turned to look at the camera and the video ended.

The guy in charge of HQ sighed and turned around and saw me standing there, with a box.

"I waited an hour for them to make empanadas, felt kind of bad." I said as I handed him the box, he chuckled softly and took it, "I'm really sorry for being rude earlier, I had a bad day." I said, "Don't we all?" He asked.

I could see Ahisa and Mariame looking for the equipment in the corner, I had to keep distracting him, "So what kind do you usually like cause I got you pineapple." I stated, he opened the box "Any, I don't mind. Y/n, May i ask what are you doing here?" He asked.



He could just think I'm the other Y/n.

I took off my mask and chuckled, "You caught me! Like my new suit?" I asked, "It looks better than the last one, did you and miles break up or something cause you used to match." "Oh no, we're just as strong as ever! Just thought LA would need a hero that didn't look like the shadow of Miles Morales. Ya know?" I asked.

He looked deep into my eyes as I kept talking, "That is... unexpected." he replied as if he was trying  to connect the dots on something. "Hey so why were you watching a video about me?" I asked, he raised his eyebrow, "Because just yesterday you were in LA, and now you're here, in a different suit, which means-" then we heard something clash down to the ground really loud.

I chuckled as Miguel looked alarmed around then faced me, "I'm not the one you think I am." I said as I took out a needle and pressed it on his neck, letting the liquid flow through his body, making him pass out.

I turned to Cameron who was the one who dropped the objects, "And you thought I'd be the one who fails." I said as I walked past her and put on my mask, putting an object that scans all the technology in the room.

Once the scan was complete, Ahisa and Mariame heard some noises coming into the room, "We have to go now. We got what we needed-" that's when a bunch of spider-men/women ran in.

All of us started running but me, I didn't know what to do, I mean running is a great option but I freaked out, Cameron grabbed my arm and dragged me with her, we ran to the outside of the building, we saw the portal about to close, Cameron let my hand go as I turned to look at everyone chasing us one last time, then dived into the portal.

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