It was almost morning time when you left the police station after having to travel there for further procedures.
One thing you knew for sure it wasn't an accident, the house was set on fire intentionally and the police also agreed with your idea considering the nature of the event.

You couldn't be more thankful for having planned the camping thing on the same night when someone tried to set fire to the house where you and your family were spending your first holiday together. Nobody in your life outside home knew anything about your personal life. You didn't wanted to explain your past to anyone anymore and hence tried to protect your peace about keeping your personal and public lives separate. You were just too afraid of losing it all again.

"Could you wait here until I arrange for some decent clothing for us?" Jungkook asked you his face showing how exhausted and troubled he was.

"Yeah okay. But could we not go along with you? We could just change in the car and I want to be out of here as soon as possible." Jungkook sighed before agreeing with you and the four of you went outside.

Looking at your beautiful family who had to face such a thing a policeman asked a friend of his for help who owned a clothing shop and asked you to go to the nearest shopping complex. You found clothes decent enough for you all even though the sizes weren't exact but you didn't care. The man offered you access to his bathroom to change. You managed to get rid of your sweat and smoke ridden clothes and washed your face before changing into the dress you got.

Yejun needed to go to the toilet and cried for you to stay with him while he was doing it. You read Jungkook's face which showed irritation but you went inside with him even helped him clean which he didn't used to let you do most times. He preferred Jungkook to be there for such things.

After getting out Jungkook searched for a food place. You found one which had gaudy billboards looming over it saying it had been running for forty years now with the picture of an old couple. You didn't pay much heed to it and went inside quietly. The owner welcomed you and doted on your kids but they stayed gloomy. Yejun's face was puffed up because of crying for so long. Jungkook sat with his face in his palms while Ria looked around. She hadn't uttered a word since the incident.

"I heard you were in the house that caught fire last night. Are you all fine?" The old woman asked you. Jungkook didn't look up.

"We weren't inside the house at the time of the fire thankfully." You told her and she nodded.

"What should I bring you?" She asked.

"Two strong coffees for us. Will it be possible to make some sort of rice porridge? for the kids..."

"Sure" she said, willing to cook something for you which wasn't even on the menu.

"Jungkook..." you whispered running your hand through his hair feeling worried about him.

"You gotta eat something..." he sat upright and waved his hand to refuse food.

"My head is bursting. I just want a painkiller" he said rubbing his head with his thumb and index finger.

The lady brought your order and kept it on the table. Yejun was still clinging to you. Jungkook gave one bowl to Ria who took it without having any real interest in eating at the moment. He picked the other bowl and blowed on the hot food loaded on the spoon. He put it in front of Yejun but the kid pressed his face into your side.

Jungkook pulled him to make him sit straight at a distance from you. He didn't say anything and offered Yejun the food again but he covered his mouth with his hands.

"Yejun!" Jungkook pulled his hands away and tried to feed him forcefully. You stopped him immediately.

"Stop it Jungkook... don't take it out on your son..." You told him caressing Yejun's head as he sat with his bowed down.

"I'm sorry Yejun. I want you to eat because I don't know when we will eat next. I know you're scared. We all are safe now. You have to believe that."

"You're not eating, umma's not eating. I don't want to eat." Yejun said his voice heavy after crying so much.

"We will eat, don't worry about us. We're already stressed if you don't eat then we won't be able to do other things. At least fill yourself a little bit. I won't ask you to finish everything." You told Yejun and he picked up the bowl to eat on his own.

"It's gonna be okay." You said to Jungkook as you both drank your coffees and then took painmeds to reduce your headaches.

Chaos after a long time of peace.
Do tell me what you think about this part ♡

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