Robert: Obviously I only have sex with you and you've always been on the pill, so I don't worry about having condoms.

He finished saying and tried to kiss her again, but she cut him off.

Andy: No condom, no sex.

Robert: You're not serious are you? We always had sex without a condom.

Andy: But this time I'm not protected by the pill. So no sex.

Robert couldn't believe she was actually saying that while he was completely mad with desire. So, he tried to kiss her again, believing that she would give in, but she got out of his arms and reinforced:

Andy: No sex.

Robert: And I'm going to stay like this?

Andy laughed at his question and replied mockingly:

Andy: A cold shower will help you.

She was pushing him towards the bathroom and laughing, she closed the door. Even though she was also in the mood, she didn't regret the decision she had made. While Robert was bathing, Andy changed her mood again. She was worried and thoughtful about the possible pregnancy again. She decided to put on her pajamas and, in order not to run the risk of lighting the fire on both of them again, she lay down and slept.

When Robert left the bathroom, he still couldn't believe that was happening and even that Andy was already sleeping without expecting him.

While she slept, Andy was restless and it didn't go unnoticed by Robert, who noticed how different she was that night. Then, he hugged her, bringing her head to his chest, giving her a sense of security. Since he did that, Andy started to sleep better and was able to rest.

When the day dawned, Andy woke up early, even though he had no reason to. Robert realized that she was already awake, but he stayed a few more minutes with his eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping, because he didn't want to talk to her about such a serious matter, right after waking up. The mood was strange between them. Andy got up, took a shower and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Robert was getting worried about how she was acting. Usually, she would give him a kiss before getting out of bed, even if he was sleeping, but that day she just got up and left. He just watched her, thinking of how he could help her without starting an argument. While Andy was preparing breakfast, Robert got up, also took his shower and went to meet his wife.

Robert: Good morning!

He gave his wife a quick kiss. Coldly she replied:

Andy: Good morning.

As he laid things out on the table, Andy said:

Andy: I made an appointment with Carina in 3 hours. If you want to go with me...

Robert: Do you want me to go?

She didn't answer in words. She just nodded her head.

They finished setting the table and sat down. Both were eating in silence, but Robert decided to break the ice between them:

Robert: Do you want to talk about what happened last night?

Head down, Andy replied:

Andy: I'm sorry I left you craving and didn't satisfy you.

Robert: Andy, you know that's not what I'm talking about. Sex is not something to satisfy me. I love you and I would never force you to have sex with me if it wasn't something pleasurable for both of us.

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