sixteen: halloween daydream

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"Are you sure the invitation said it started at noon? Seems kinda early for a party," Copenhagen asked doubtfully.

Nicki, Tulip, and he were sitting in the car in front of Conrad's house, unsure if they should get out or not. Nicki had convinced Copenhagen to join her for the Halloween party by inviting Tulip along with them. After all, Captain Milo had asked Nicki to keep an eye on her.

"That's what it said. Party starts at 12." Nicki insisted, showing him the digital invite on her phone that Conrad sent her. It also stated that costumes were mandatory, so the three of them had scrambled together what they could find and ended up dressing like the Holy Trinity. Tulip insisted that they looked ridiculous, but she was just glad to be included.

"Let's just go up and knock. I'm sure Conrad will be happy to see us," Nicki exclaimed, getting out of the car. The other two followed after her, turning their heads to see if there were any neighbors watching.

Nicki tapped on the front door urgently, secretly hoping that Gus wouldn't answer and roast her for her odd costume. A messy head of dark curls creeped around the door though, her brown eyes blinking at the sunlight.

"Nicki? What're you doing here?" Conrad asked, scanning over their worn robes and fake white beards. "You know Christmas isn't for another two months, right?"

"We're here for the party. It starts at 12, right?" Nicki felt her cheeks start to burn and wondered if this was a bad idea.

"Girl, 12 as in midnight. If we all started drinking at noon then it would be a way different party," Conrad chuckled, her curls bouncing around her high cheek bones.

"Oh." Nicki's face was now fire engine red. "I'm sorry, I thought..."

"It's okay, don't sweat it," Conrad laughed, opening the door wider. "C'mon inside."

The three angels shuffled inside, Tulip hesitating in the doorway but quickly clung onto Copenhagen's sleeve. Camel padded over to greet them, sniffing at the air. Nicki reached down to pet her ears, the cat purring contently into her palm.

"I was just about to have some coffee. You guys want any?" Conrad yawned, heading into the kitchen.

"Sure," Nicki answered quickly. She had managed to take a shower but there wasn't time for a nap and her bones still ached for sleep. Caffeine sounded wonderful.

Gus was sitting at the small kitchen table, drinking coffee and reading the local newspaper. Nicki thought that he looked oddly like an old man, with his sunken eyes and knobby elbows. He peaked up at them as they entered the kitchen, a look of confusion spreading across his face.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" he blurted out, his eyes not knowing what to take in first; their long beards or the frayed rope they were using as belts.

"We're the Holy Trinity. You know, God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost." Nicki tried to explain. Gus blinked at her like she had just spoken perfect Latin.

"Right on," he muttered, returning back to his newspaper.

"Oh, be nice," Conrad whined, pouring coffee into colorful mugs. She handed Nicki one with Garfield on it. Nicki inhaled the warming scent and tore off her fake beard, taking a long sip of the miracle drink.

"You guys should probably reconsider your costumes, though. I'm going out to find one myself, you can tag along if you want," Conrad offered as she handed Copenhagen a mug with kittens wearing mittens on it. He thanked her softly, discarding his beard as well.

"I told you we looked stupid," Tulip exclaimed, ripping off her costume with dramatic flair.

"Who's the little one?" Gus asked, noticing Tulip for the first time.

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