one: designated best friend

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There were three hundred and twenty-four naked baby angels painted on Nicki's bedroom ceiling. She knew this because she had counted them one afternoon when there was nothing better to do, like most afternoons. There were over a thousand paintings throughout Rosewood Castle but only Nicki's room had the naked babies. She hated their smug little faces and how they looked down on her with mockery, as if they somehow knew she was trapped forever in one place — just like a painting.

Finding it unbearable to look at them any longer, Nicki threw off her covers and dragged herself out of bed. Today was a big day, but she couldn't find the motivation to get going. The baby angels laughed at her messy reflection as she stretched and yawned.

On a good day she could look quite lovely, or so her mother said. Her blond hair fell around her shoulders like a veil when it was brushed, but right now it sat on the top of her head like a bird's nest. Her face was speckled like a robin's egg, and her eyes were alligator green. Her elbows and knees were knobby like a fawn, or so her brother said. She'd learned to describe her features like those of animals at a young age; that way no one could beat her to it. After all, it's only too easy to be called an animal when you have feathers growing out of your back.

Nicki extended her thin arms up to the ceiling and unfurled her white wings; the feathers always took the longest to wake up. Usually, she didn't bother taking the time to brush them out, but today was different. Today was an important day. Today her brother was being crowned king.

Nicolette and her brother Copenhagen were the last royal children of the Angelic race. The Angels were a noble people who lived in the seclusion of the Wasatch mountains and kept to themselves, as had been the tradition since their ancestors settled there over three hundred years ago. Their pure white wings were a symbol of their history and heritage, and everyone made sure they never forgot it. Nicki could feel the power of her people running through her purple veins to the tips of her ivory feathers. She knew the lineage of her ancestors was resting on her freckled shoulders, but she couldn't feel the weight. She didn't consider herself as the advocate for Angels.

The bedroom door swung open, making Nicki pause from her attentive grooming. A small, plump girl hopped into the room, already fully dressed for the day in a turquoise church dress.

"Good morning, Princess Nicolette. I trust you slept well?" the intruder asked ever so sweetly. Her short yellow hair was tucked behind her ears with purple butterfly clips. Nicki looked at her own reflection and the purple circles underneath her tired eyes.

"Morning, Tulip. Did you start getting ready at dawn?" Nicki asked, returning to trying to fix her reflection.

Tulip giggled and gave a little twirl. Nicki noticed that her companion had taken the time to dust her own wings with glitter. They sparkled in the sunlight as she spun.

Tulip's wings were significantly less impressive than Nicki's — more of a brown color and nearly half the size. This was because Tulip wasn't of royal blood; she was a common Angel. Only the royal family of Angels had full and pure wings, and Nicki flitted them with pride in front of Tulip, making her stop her twirls.

The door opened again, and Nicki immediately sunk her wings back against her skin. Her mother, the Angel Queen, tapped into the room with an agenda to find something to complain about.

"Nicolette Sage, are you not ready yet? The entire kingdom is preparing to welcome home their new king and you're sitting here in your bunny slippers," the queen scolded. Nicki pouted into the mirror, swinging her feet slightly so the pink bunny ears bounced excitedly.

"Sorry, Mom. I had trouble sleeping, it was one of those dreams again." Nicki tried to explain. She was prone to nightmares, but the unusual dreams were the ones that really got to her.

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