six: a nightly visitor

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Nicolette stared at the ceiling in the midst of a deep sulk. It was dark in her room, but she could still see the painted baby angels and their dumb smiling faces. How could they be so happy with sitting in one place, never ever moving? Nicki envied them, sticking her tongue out at the ceiling before rolling over and fluffing her pillow aggressively.

She looked into the nothingness of her shadowed bedroom and tried not to imagine all the things Copenhagen would experience the next day. It wasn't fair that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted while she was confined to the walls of the castle. She could handle herself just as well as Copenhagen could, she grumbled to herself.

She tried to close her eyes as tightly as she could, but sleep wouldn't come. There was this irritating ticking noise coming from the far end of the room that sounded like a dripping spout. I'd rather pout in silence, Nicki huffed.

She kicked off her duvet and tiptoed to the other side of the room to find the annoying yet mysterious sound. Maybe her mother installed a new security system that snapped a picture every other second. It wouldn't surprise her, honestly.

Before she could investigate any further, a square section of the wall swung open with a rush of cold air. Where the wall was once whole now stood the opening to a small tunnel, and in the center sat Conrad.

"Conrad!? How—where did...?" Nicki stumbled. Conrad crawled out of the tunnel and stood upright in Nicki's bedroom, looking around.

"Nice room. It's very you," Conrad stated as if she was an interior designer critic, not like she had just popped out the wall.

"What is that?" Nicki pointed shakily at the tunnel. "How did you do that?"

"It wasn't me. This passage has been here even before you were. There are hidden tunnels all over this castle. Copenhagen told me about them, it's supposed to be used as an escape route but they've been sealed for years. I guess the Angels don't feel the need to escape anymore." Conrad exclaimed as she shrugged.

Nicki peered into the tunnel but couldn't see where it led. All this time, there had been a way out right under her nose and she had no idea. She wondered where the other tunnels in the castle could be and why Copenhagen never told her about them.

"I had no idea this was I can leave whenever I want! Where does the other end let out?" Nicki asked Conrad, getting caught up in her own excitement.

"Right outside the last blue line train station, it's kinda complicated if you don't know where to go. That's why I'm here. I figured Mommy Dearest wouldn't let her sweet little angel out again after today, or yesterday rather." Conrad checked the watch on her wrist.

"So you came here to show me the tunnel so I could be free? That's so nice," Nicki beamed.

"Well, I am a natural Mother Teresa, but that's not the only reason. If you were serious about wanting to help Demons, I think I figured out something you can do," Conrad explained.

"What is it?" Nicki pressed eagerly. Conrad shushed her.

"I can't explain it here. C'mon, let me show you how to get out of here." Conrad gestured at the opening of the tunnel. Nicki gulped, the cold strange air brushing across her face. She felt her bare arms and legs prickle from the chill, her nightgown didn't offer much protection.

"Hold on, let me get dressed," Nicki told Conrad, hurrying over to her wardrobe.

It was too dark to really accessorize but Nicki threw on whatever black clothes she could see as quickly as she could. Zipping up a black jacket and lacing on a pair of black boots at the same time, Nicki noticed Conrad watching her.

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