seven: stars of neptune

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Nicki was trying to listen to the instructions Gus was giving her, but she couldn't help from being distracted by the smoke drifting between his fingers. She didn't know if she was impressed or worried about his ability to talk, drive, and smoke all at the same time. Her eyes followed his hands as he passed it to Conrad in the passenger seat, making sure he wasn't going to crash in the process.

Conrad took the joint and hit it, thick smoke coming from her lips as she exhaled. The cloud seemed to twinkle and shine, Nicki rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing stars.

"What strand is this, Gus?" Conrad asked, licking her red lips delicately. "It tastes like fresh strawberries, or maybe summer watermelon."

"That's Nicki's joint. She rolled it up with her magic touch," Gus stated, twiddling his fingers in the air.

"Oh, stop bullshitting. No way a beginner rolled this." Conrad observed the burning joint closely.

"I swear. Must be that green thumb." Gus winked back at Nicki in the rear-view mirror. She blushed and turned away.

Conrad turned around in her seat and extended the joint to Nicki. "Here, try your masterpiece."

Nicki took it and looked it over. It was just shorter than her finger but thicker around, the front of it was a blazing ember that threatened to turn the white paper into grey smoke. Nicki brought it to her lips and inhaled. Her chest was filled with warmth and her tongue tingled as she exhaled. Conrad was right; its taste was generously fruitful. She liked it far more than the cigarettes, she noted.

Nicki tried to describe the unique taste but was cut off by a sudden fit of coughing. Conrad laughed playfully with her. Nicki passed it back to her with a little too much urgency.

"It's..." Cough. "...good." Nicki wheezed. "Sorry."

"It's alright. Gotta cough to get off," Gus said.

"What should we call it? Every new flavor needs a name," Conrad asked as she passed it back to Gus.

"Let Nicki pick," he suggested.

Nicki was flattered that they'd let her pick, but she couldn't think of a single idea. Her mind still felt like it was full of smoke.

"Oh, um, wing weed?" She stumbled out. The other two were quiet and Nicki instantly felt how stupid her idea was. Gus flashed her a warming smile though to reassure her.

"It has a nice ring to it. Straight to the point too — I hate when weed has this big elaborate name then tastes like cat piss." He stated while hitting the joint like it was nothing. He exhaled from his lips and inhaled through his nose, the smoke looping around his glistening nose ring. Nicki watched with awe and wonder; she didn't know smoke could do that.

The joint continued to make its rounds around the car, Nicki finding it easier with each turn. Her head began to feel clearer and lighter, her whole body felt lighter. She felt as if the car would lift off from the ground and take flight into the starry sky.

Nicki came back to earth as she realized they were pulling up to a nightclub. It was dark and frankly quite dull, Nicki thought, except for the blinking purple neon sign in the front that read 'Neptune's.' Nicki wasn't impressed yet but she could still feel herself getting excited. Pretty or not, this was her first time at a club.

Gus parked the car and tossed the finished joint out the window, the sweet smell fading away. He swung the door open and exited, holding a hand out to Nicki to help her stand up. She took it gracefully but stumbled her way out — first time wearing stilettos, too.

"Easy there, stoney," Gus chuckled. Nicki felt her cheeks flush but Gus gave her a warming smile as he helped her steady herself.

"I know she looks hot, Gus but try to keep your hands off the merchandise, okay?" Conrad teased as she joined them. Gus rolled his eyes and stepped away to get his guitar case out of the trunk, taking his hands off Nicki's elbows. She turned away to try to hide her cherry cheeks, taking in deep breaths of the night air. It tasted like gasoline, Nicki noted. The city air was far different than the clean mountain air she was used to.

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