three: field trip

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Nicki shuffled her feet in a mixture of anxiety and excitement. Copenhagen, Tulip, and she stood in the front driveway of the castle waiting for a car to come around and take them down into Salt Lake City.

"I'd say the Father Angel has blessed this trip by giving us such a beautiful day," Tulip chimed with a lip-glossed grin. Copenhagen smiled back at her, but Nicki rolled her eyes discreetly. The sky was a full and luscious blue that begged for the sun to shine down on them, but Nicki didn't think it was from a mystical man in the sky.

"You couldn't tell that autumn is here by how warm it is today. I bet it's even hotter down in the city," Copenhagen noted, his head turned upward so the sunlight could display itself against his shining hair, making it look like it had caught fire. Tulip watched him in awe, but Nicki felt even more annoyance.

In all her built-up excitement, she had spent several hours that morning trying to decide what to wear. She'd finally decided on a grey summer dress with a blue flannel tied around her waist — her mother insisted that she cover her bare shoulders with it but Nicki popped it off the second she was out of view. And yet, Copenhagen looked better with his little to no effort. He wore only a white t-shirt and blue jeans, but he still looked like a runway model with his wings tucked safely away from view.

A black Suburban finally came around the corner and paused in front of them. A young guard, Nicki believed his name was Thomas, hopped out of the driver's seat and came around to open the door for them.

"Good morning, your highnesses. And Madam Tulip." He bowed to each of them, giving Tulip an extra special smile.

Nicki stepped up into the car and quickly claimed a window seat. The car was just like the one Copenhagen arrived in; basically a fortress on wheels, but Nicki bounced on the seat like a child about to ride a roller coaster for the first time. Tulip and Copenhagen seemed far more relaxed and took their time getting in the car, making Nicki even more temperamental.

Finally, everyone was seated and the car began to make its way down the driveway and away from the castle.

The road down to Salt Lake City was long and twisted between the tall trees, making Nicki feel like they were more likely to get lost than reach their destination.

"Can't you drive any faster, Thomas?" Nicki asked, trying not to sound too urgent, but still wanting him to get the hint.

"Safety first, your majesty." Thomas answered, meeting Nicki's gaze in the mirror for only a second. He had only been a member of the guard for a couple years so he wasn't going to test the limits by looking a royal in the eye for too long.

"Take it easy, Nicki. The city isn't going anywhere," Copenhagen teased. Nicki stuck her tongue out at him before returning to sulking out the window. The tips of the trees teased of autumn with hints of yellow and orange amongst the green leaves.

"The city has grown since you left," Tulip said to Copenhagen. "At least from what you can see from the castle windows, of course."

Copenhagen smiled at her.

"In some ways, it feels like everything has changed since I left. But perhaps it is only my eyes that are different," he murmured, looking at the trees rush past them.

"You are taller," Tulip noted. "And your hair is longer."

Copenhagen reached over and ruffled Tulip's short blond locks. She yelped and pushed his hand away, urgently fixing her hair.

"Bet you're still stupid, though," Nicki nagged. Copenhagen tried to swat at her, but she beat him to it.

"Your highness, you can start to see the buildings just beyond the trees," Thomas called from the front. Nicki nearly jumped out of her seat, making the seatbelt burn her collarbone. She winced but ignored it, trying to look as far as she could out the windshield.

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