"Well, it was actually involuntary. Quinn used to babysit him and talk about me. Quinn's persistent wish of becoming friends with me rubbed off on him." he said and smirked. He wrap his arms around my waist while mine was around his neck.

"Are you sure? I bet you secretly want to befriend them." I said and he faked a gasp.

"How did you know?" he asked and we both laughed.

"Come on, let's go and watch a movie." I said and took his hand.

"By the way, what were you doing in the kitchen?" He asked and I almost forgot about the book.

"I was gonna read that book. I hid it in the kitchen."

"I guess the reading can wait tomorrow. Come on!" I said and dragged him to the theater room.

We had a Disney princess movie marathon until I fell asleep. Yeah, I still love those kind of movies. It's still great, with the singing and all. Just the singing.

I don't know if I went to my room or fell asleep at the theater but all I remember is that I'm cuddling a very warm thing that smells really amazing.


I was in a forest. It was snowing and the forest was covered with thick snow. But why does the snow falling looked a bit dark?

I held out my hand and caught a snowflake falling. It wasn't winter yet so it wasn't snowing, it was ash. I suddenly smelled something burning from my right so I ran there as fast as I can.

What greeted me was countless lifeless and injured bodies of men, women, children, and the elderly. Some were wolves and some were lycans. It was a massacre. It was clear that this place was ambushed. Seeing as the border is very far from here and looking at the situation, the people here weren't evacuated. It can only mean one thing, they didn't pass by the borders.

Every pack's border has this invisible wall that stretches upward and downward infinitely. So even if they infiltrated through the air or the underground, they would still be detected by the pack members, and especially the alpha, no matter how high or low they are. They can only use teleportation and I know someone who is capable of doing that.

"Hahaha! Come my pets, dance some more! Wreck havoc until the piece ends." A gruff voice echoed the surroundings, it was loud and full of excitement.

I know that voice. It has been haunting my dreams often, along with Aviel. I saw him standing a few meters above the ground at the center. He was wearing a black cloak and surrounded by black smoke. His eyes were completely black and his skin was as white as ceramic. There were also cracks all over his body.

That man wasn't possessing other bodies, he was using his. He was supposed to be sealed. Looks like Aviel succeeded in unsealing him. He had done something every witch, sorcerer, or wizard feared. He had unleashed the necromancer, Enoch.

No wonder this pack was having a hard time. They were fighting not just some rogues but an army of undead rogues. No matter how much they tried to kill them, they can't be killed for they are already dead.

I saw a Lycan charged at Enoch but it was easily caught by him. Enoch used shadows to form a large hand and squeezed the Lycan's body with it. The Lycan doesn't have enough strength to break free since it was exhausted and very injured. Then Enoch's shadows circled around its neck and snapped it.

I wanted to intervene, but how can I when this is just a dream? I then heard a painful howl from a distance. It was a pure white Lycan. It shifted into its original form and it was Errick himself.

Errick looked at the Lycan who was with Enoch with so much fear and pain.

"Vira!" Errick yelled as a tear streamed down from his right eye. Enoch smirked at the sight of Errick and this filled Errick with so much rage.

"You! I'll kill you! I'll tear you apart!" Errick's voice boomed and he began to transform again. But this time, it wasn't his white fur but it was pitch black and his pupils were red.

Errick didn't move an inch so Enoch used this opportunity to unsummon his rogues and disappeared in the darkness of his shadows. What shocked me next is Errick, attacking and killing his pack members.


A voice called and then I woke up.


I woke up from a dreadful nightmare and was soon engulfed in a hug. I wrapped my arms around Cassius as I noticed his alluring scent. He rubbed my back to calm me down as I was catching my breath.

"It was just a nightmare, Amelia. You're safe here with me." he mumbled into my ear. His voice was like a lullaby that seemed to calm me down.

"I'm sorry. I've been having these weird nightmares since the day I came here. It became much more realistic and often." I mumbled as I massage my temples. "I really need to tell this to Xers."

He watched me as if studying me and my every move. "Are you okay?" he asked and I smiled faintly at him.

"Yeah. I think we should probably go. The guys are probably waiting for us and you, mister, has a guest to take care of." I said and as if on cue, the door slammed open and it revealed the devil himself- I mean, the guest.

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