Chapter 45

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Penelope's POV

The next morning, I woke up with a headache and puffy eyes. I cried all night unable to stop. I just could not get myself to stop.

I watched William and Stassie hugging kissing and joking and I wish I could have that. I wish my relationship wasn't turmoil from the beginning. I wish I could go back and never gone that stupid party and met Harrison.

Maybe I wouldnt feel so heartbroken and shattered right now. Maybe I'd make safer choices. Better decisions. I felt like I was struggling to breathe thats how much I cried last night. I just couldnt take it anymore... once and for all. I needed to move on. Focus on myself and my children.

As much as I wanted to forgive him and let him hold me all night and feel his lips on me... I knew it was the wrong decision. I needed to put my kids first.

I got myself ready before the kids woke up. It was crazy because they slept finally in a nice routine. Ruby was the most sleepiest baby. She wasnt a baby anymore. She was a toddler. Between Riley potty training and her wanting to copy. I was unable to imagine a new born baby in the mix.

I get the children ready for the day before taking them all to school. Harrison was nowhere to be found. I wasnt even sure if he came in after me. Maybe he went back to Ella. Its never been hard for Harrison to just find girls and sleep with them. I saw the lipstick on his neck. He didnt find it hard stepping out before but now but he was home all the time now with me and the kids. I was stupid enough to think he was trying to prove me wrong.

I get out of the car and walk into the building.

"Hi. My name is Penelope Young. Ive got a meeting." I say at reception.

"Hi Mrs Young. Take a seat. Mr Lawson will be out soon."

"Penelope." My lawyer says. "Come in." He guides me to his office and I sit down. "Congratulations on the pregnancy." He says pointing at me.

"Thanks for seeing me so quickly." I say.

"Its okay. Well, we did it before so here we are again." He says.

"Yeah. My life is a joke." I sigh and he shakes his head. "Id like to file for divorce. As soon as possible."

"You sure Penelope?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah..."

"Okay.." He nods opening his laptop.

"One more thing..." I say and he looks at me.

Three days later.

"Hi." I say seeing Harrison appear. Hed been around. Came to see the children and would put them to bed. He didnt speak much to me apart from a hello.

"Dad!" Ashley says.

"Hey buddy." He says. "I want to go show you something. Go get ready."

"Okay." Ashley says running out. Riley and Ruby were in their high chairs having their dinner. Harrison kissed them both.

"You filed for divorce." He says clearing his throat.

"Sign and return please." I say putting my pasta in my mouth.

"Im not signing no damn divorce paper." He says with a smile tickling Ruby who laughed.

"What?" I say looking at him.

"Youre about to give birth to my child. Im not doing it."

"Ill take you to court Harrison. Dont try me."

"See you there." He says as he looks at me smiling. It pissed me off. I wanted to dump my whole plate on him.

"Ready!" Ashley says running in with shoes on and a jacket.

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