Bottomless Pit! [Pt.3]

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Soos and the Mystery trio are in the pinball room. Soos is playing pinball while the others are cheering for him as they sat on a bean bag behind him.

"This is it, dudes. After 4 long years of trying, I might finally get a high score on Stan's creepy old pinball machine," explained Soos, "if I do this, I'll go down in pinball history, with the lights of Sal, Gaff, and of course, Poo."

"Have you ever tried maybe tilting the machine?" Asked Dipper.

Soos, thinks to himself before saying, "I don't know dudes, isn't breaking the rules like, against the rules?"

"Fuck rules! They can kiss my ass! Rules are always end up being broken." [N] interjects.

Mabel: "Yeah! Fuck the rules!! Tilt! Tilt! Tilt!"

Soos kept playing for a bit but quickly lost the game.

Pinball machine: ||Failure! You stink!!||

"All right, that's it! Are you ready, kids...?" Soos asked but found all of them tilting the machine.

"Tilt! Tilt! Tilt! Tilt!" The Mystery Trio chant.

Pinball Machine: ||Quit tiltin', partner. Quit tiltin'!||

"Tilt!" Soos joins in on tilting the ball into the goal.

Pinball machine: ||Bullseye!! New high score!!||

Everyone starts joyfully cheering for their little accomplishment.

"This is the best moment of my life. This totally beats my old best moment." Said Soos.

Pinball Machine: ||That ain't right. You cheated.||

Mabel: "Oh, really? What the fuck are you gonna do about it? You're just a Pinball game." Mabel taunts the machine.

"There's an awful lot of green lightning coming out of that game." Dipper points out.

"No, that's definitely a normal amount of green lightning." [N] laughed and Dipper side-eyed him.

The lightning strikes at all of them and everything goes black.

Soos was lying unconscious on the ground. A buzzer goes off and he starts hitting it.

"Uh, 5 more minutes..." Soos muttered before hw opens eyes and quickly gets up. "Ah! Wait. That's not a normal alarm clock!"

Dipper shows up running up to him with [N] and Mabel.

"Soos! We're inside the game! This is fucking crazy!" Dipper excitedly screams.

"Holy shit! This cool!" Mabel adds.

"Hushed exclamation of wonder..." Soos murmured in awe.

Everyone goes on and runs off to a different parts of the pinball game.

"Awesome!" Says [N], walking around the place and soon finding a gun.

"Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!" Mabel repeatedly said while jumping around on the buzzers.

Soos runs up to the Trio, "Dude, if this is a dream, I never want to wake up!"

Pinball Machine: ||That can be arranged. Welcome to Tumbleweed Terror, partners.|| The skull of the pinball game said.

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