The inconveniencing [Pt.3]

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♦️{Dipper's POV}

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♦️{Dipper's POV}

I was busy hurriedly running around the store; looking around for [Y/N].

'Oh come on! Where the fuck could he be?! The store isn't even that big!' I irritatedly thought.

I make a turn around the corner and see everyone gathered behind the counter of the register.

Wendy: "Yo Dipper, come check this out."

Dipper: "Uh...okay..." I nervously mumbled as walk up to them.

'Looks like I'll have to find [Y/N] later...'

I sighed in disappointment.

Lee: "Then the rumors are true!"

I then nervously my saliva gulp.

Robbie: "Dude, I dare you to lie down in it."

Lee: "Good idea!" He agreed.

Lee: "Aye yo Nate! Go lie down in it!"

Nate: "I'm a dead body, look!" He joked as he walked over to the markings.

Dipper: "Wait! Maybe let's not do that." I shouted; stopping him in his tracks.

Lee: "This guy's scared!"

Dipper: "What? No! I'm not!"

Teens: "Boo! Ah c'mon!" They exclaimed unimpressed.

Robbie: "Yeah, take it down a notch, Captain Buzzkill!" He irritatedly said.

Dipper: "What?" I say as I grit my teeth.

Robbie: "Yeah! You're acting like Captain Buzzkill! Right?" He asked.

Tambry, Lee and Nate nod in unison.

Wendy: "Yeah, little bit..." She nervously muttered as she scratched the back of her neck.

Tambry: "Status update: trapped in store with insane 9-year old." She said while typing out her phone.

Dipper: "I'm not a fucking 9-year-old!" I irritatedly yelled.

I then lie down in one of tape markings.

Dipper: "..and I'm not fucking scared!" I concluded.

The tape markings light up and start floating out of the ground; Tambry looks up and then starts dissolving and reappears in her phone as it drops to the ground.

I quickly get up and pick up her phone.

Dipper: "Status update: AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!..." I uttered as I read her phone.

She then appears on the security camera screen and starts desperately screaming while knocking both her fists on the screen.

The rest of Wendy's friends start screaming out of panic.

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