♦️ Summerween♦️

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The night is always full of mysteries

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The night is always full of mysteries. The eerie stillness, hidden secrets in the shadows and It's dark sky is definitely mystical with only source of light being the bright full moon.

While some truly find it alluring, others can't wait for the sun to peek back up and wash away that creepy aura it.

Anyways, let's take it from the very beginning! With Stan's car crashing into a 'handicap parking' sign!

♦️{No one's POV}♦️

Stan: "Here we are, the Summerween Superstore!"

Dipper: "Wait, Summer-- what?"

[Y/N]: "Summerween!"

Stan then pulls out a calendar.

Stan: "The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year. And wouldn't you know it, it's today!"

Dipper: "Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?"

Stan pauses for moment to think before replying.

Stan: "Yes......"

Mabel: "Summerween? Something about this feels unnatural..."

Soos: "There's free candy!"

The Pines family, along with Soos were now in the store and browsing through the various items.



Soos walks up to a shelf with a bunch of skeleton heads and presses a cackling skull.

Skull: ||I'd lend you a hand... but I don't seem to have any!|| it cackled.

Soos: "Haha, this guy tells it like it is."

As Soos was messing around with the skull, one of the workers in the store goes up to him.

Worker: "Sir, could you please stop pushing that?"

Soos: "Ma'am, make these heads less hilarious, and you got yourself a deal." He said as he once again presses the skull as it cackled.

Store worker: "Ugh......"

Somewhere else in the store, Stan had picked up a big barrel full of fake blood.

Stan: "Ha ha! When the children come to my door tonight, they're gonna run away screaming from Stan Pines, Master of Fright!" He turns around and faces a baby.

He muttered a small 'Boo...' and the baby cries as Stan laughs. Soos continues pressing the skulls, and Dipper and Mabel knock over a pile of jack o' melons, and [Y/N] was grabbing all the fake spider decorations.

Stan: "Uh-oh. Think this one's leaking!" He exclaimed as he was holding a leaking container of fake blood.

Store worker: "Have the police come and eject the Pines family from the store." They ask over a walkie talkie.

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