Double Dipper [Pt.2]

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

The hobo man the starts running at [Y/N] with arms flailing and screaming like the disgusting freak he is.

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

Once the hobo man was in a close enough range, I just click my fingers and the man immediately bursts into flames as people in the line gasp while the hobo man screams in agony.

[Y/N]: "That took I lot of energy out of me, but it was fucking worth it." I said with an evil grin.

I look over to the people in line; they all flinch when I look at them.

[Y/N]: "Come on! There's no need to be fucking scared." I cackled.

♦️{Mabel's POV}

I was busy dancing on the dance floor and showing my greatest break dancing moves.

Small crowd: "Go go go go go!!" They cheered me on.

I decided to take a break and sat down next to this girl with a cool pink shirt.
I open a plastic water bottle and take a sip; I turned to the girl and saw this awesome lizard.

Mabel: "Wow! You've got a cute animal! I'm Mabel by the way." I introduced myself.

Grenada: "Hi, I'm Grenda." She said.

She gestures to this girl with glasses and long black hair.

Grenada: "... this is Candy."

She waves to me with forks taped on her fingers.

Mabel: "Why do have forks taped to your fingers?"

Candy puts her hand into Grenda's bowl of popcorn. When she pulls it out each finger has some popcorn on it.

Candy: "Improvement of human beings." She answered.

Candy and Grenda then watch the little lizard eat some popcorn and laugh.

Mabel: "I've found my people!" I happily shouted.

Soos: "... who ever, um, party hardies, what? Gets the party crown!" He shouted as he holds up crown

Soos: "...most applause at the end of the night wins!" He declared.

Grenada and Candy: "Wow!" They shouted in awe.

I see this blondie girl walk up to Soos with her friends.

Blondie girl: "Party crown? I'll take that, thank you very much!"

Mabel: "Who's that?" I questioned.

Candy: "The most popular girl in town, Pacifica Northwest." She replied.

Grenada: "I always feel bad about myself around her."

' Poor Grenda, there's no need to when you're already fucking gorgeous! '

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