♦️Bottomless Pit! ♦️

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"Don't worry. I'm a professional when it comes to cute stickers, glittering everything up and most importantly... violence!"



It was a nice lovely day in Gravity Falls. It seemed to be the perfect weather to go out and walk around the town or enjoy a wonderful drive with your loved ones y'know.

Speaking of driving, Stan was just driving the Mystery Cart and stopping at what seemed to be a giant whole in the ground.

♦️{No one's POV}♦️

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits. But none more bottomless than the bottomless pit. Which as you can see here is bottomless." Stan states as he presents the hole.

"Question. Is it bottomless?" Soos curiously asks.

Stan let out a sigh at the irrelevant question. "Kids, can one of you try explaining this to Soos?"

Dipper sighs and asks, "Grunkle Stan, why are we here again?"

"To dispose of things that we don't want. So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" Stan answers and throws them down the pit.

"Goodbye, creepy love letters from Lil' Gideon!" Mabel throws them away as well.

"Well, goodbye to the random arm that I found in the woods..." [Y/N] said with a smile as he threw a decapitated and scaley like arm that had a large bite mark.

As he was doing this, Dipper couldn't help but wonder where he found that.

Soos soon followed the others in pursuit and takes off his shoes and throws them in the pit.

"What are you doing?" Dipper questions Soos.

"Throwing stuff, dude. Everyone's doin' it." Soos throws a barbecue grill down the pit too.

After a bit of time Mabel was seen pushing a large box toward the pit.

"What you got there, Mabel?" Asked Stan.

"Yeah. What's inside the box?" Asked [Y/N].

"Oh, it's just my personal box of mysterious secrets. Nothing worth wondering about." Mabel giggles and throws the box down the pit. "Goodbye forever!"

"Arrivederci!" [Y/N] shouts into the pit.

"Grunkle Stan, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is, by definition, fucking impossible?" Dipper states.

"Says you......." Stan uttered as he shook cards out his fez down the pit.

"Welp, I guess we'll never know..." Says [Y/N] wrapped his arm around Dipper's shoulder.

Dipper smacks the the [h/c]-head's face with the back with his arm. [Y/N] doesn't flinch back and only chuckled in response.

[Y/N] then mischievously smiles, "I should really stick my dick in that hole--"

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