The inconveniencing [Pt.2]

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

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♦️{No one's POV}♦️

The Mystery Musketeers' were sitting in the very back of the car. With Dipper sitting inbetween [Y/N] and Mabel.

Mabel takes a pen from Dipper. She crosses out, You stink! on her door and then wrote You look like shit today!.

Mabel: "Ha! This is gonna really piss someone off!"

[Y/N]: "Great idea Mabs!" He agreed as he grabbed the pen from Mabel and wrote Fuck Life and started writing even more various profanity.

Dipper: "Mabel, [Y/N], come on!" He demanded.

[Y/N]: "What, are we embarrassing you in front of your new GIRLFR--" He was then cut off by Dipper slapping his hand over his mouth.

[Y/N] licks Dipper's hand while Mabel laughed; Dipper pulls his hand away.

Dipper: "Ugh! Fucking gross!" He said with disgust.

{Dusk 2 Dawn!}

♦️{[Y/N]'s POV}

Wendy: "There it is, fellas! The condemned Dusk 2 Dawn!"

Bee & Mate: "Ha! Cool!" They shouted in awe.

Mabel: "Awesome!"

Dipper: "Why'd they shut it down, was it like a health code violation, or--" He was then cut off.

[Y/N]: "TRY MURDER!" I excitedly shouted while throwing my hands over in the air.

Bee: "Some folks died in there, the place has been haunted ever since!"

Mabel: "This town has such a colorful history!"

Dipper: "No shit." He muttered.

Wendy: "Yeah! Now let's go!" She exclaimed while giving PT a friendly punch.

We all go over the fence, expect for Bee, who was struggling.

Wendy: "Come on, Lee!"

Robbie: "Dude, come on! These baby shitsters managed to do it!" He exclaimed.

Just before I could punch him brutally, Mabel harshly stomped her heel on Robbie's foot and elbowed him in the stomach - causing him to yelp out in pain as I laughed with Mabel.

[Y/N]: "Hey, you know what.." I started before I walked up to the fence and began violently shaking it, causing Bee to fall.

Bee: "Ha! S-sorry dudes!" He apologized.

Mate: "Good job shaking the fence, genius!" He gave me a thumbs up and I cheekily smiled.

Bee: "Your mom's a genius......" He added.

Wendy: "Wow! This place is amazing!" She shouted in awe as she looked in the window of the store.

Robbie: "I think it's, it's stuck!" He said while trying to open the door.

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