Bennie hugged his right side, Gwen on his left, and Hope who was currently the tallest person there had to shrink till she could rest on his body; hugging him from his stomach down.

'Note, Wake up early tomorrow I can't have any of these girls seeing my morning wood, Hope's breasts are already dangerously close to my dick' Ben said, Unknown to him Hope was reading his thoughts since she told him a while back to read his thoughts required a level of intimacy, If anyone looked at her they would immediately notice how red her face was.

'Note, Fill the room with sleeping gas so- Hope! he's 11 don't-' Hope couldn't sleep for the rest of the night with these kinds of thoughts in mind, She wanted to do something Dirty, But her fear of how he'd react kept her sane, and awake.



The home of the elder Gods is said to house the strongest Greek Gods, The Olympians.

Known for their power they are feared among other pantheon Gods, But if anyone would peek into the lives of the Gods behind these walls.

Hold that thought

In a heated argument with his brother Poseidon suddenly lost his energy and slumped down, his brother was many things but a listener he was not "For the last time brother! Let's end this peacefully, Have Aphrodite or Demeter talk to the boy, Offer him a rank amongst the God he might be of a lot of help in our upcoming battle against the Titans." Poseidon sighed from his throne, Zeus the paranoid God of the Sky, had been uneasy for the past three months.

It didn't help that his council was now divided into two, Those that want peace, Artemis, Hera, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hestia although she wasn't an Olympian anymore

And the ones that backed Zeus, Zeus himself,  Athena, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hermes.

The only God who picked no sides was Dionysus strangely enough the God of Wine and Pleasure, who didn't find any comfort in picking a side, But that left Artemis's side shorter than Zeus meaning they lost every council meeting since they were divided to Zeus' favour.

"Peace is not an option, Not anymore" Zeus lashed out at Poseidon who raised an eye at his brother's attitude.

"Who's fault is that?" Artemis rolled her eyes with a snappy remark.

"You will not-"Before Zeus could threaten her the lightning in the sky reacting to his mood Athena pitched in.

"She is right though, But since we Initiated the battle we'll have to see it through." Athena supported Zeus, Everyone knew the reason why she supported Zeus was that she was interested in the Book of Infinity and had made a deal with Zeus to secure that when the kids were captured she would get the book.

Apollo supported his father because he disliked the way his sister perked up at the mention of the little mage of a boy.

Ares wanted his revenge the boy took out one of his eyes and it still hasn't healed yet due to the corrosive mana belonging to the boy constantly eating and fighting off all forms of healing, not to mention he was now a laughing stock ' The God of war brought to his knees by a pre-teen boy In his domain' Ares wanted the boy to die, But he'd make sure the boy would live to watch Ares fulfil his promises.

Hephaestus and Hermes were supporting Zeus due to reasons known to them.

Their choices had negative effects on the people that cared for them.

Hera stopped fussing every time Zeus cheated and stopped sharing rooms with him After Ares got healed despite all her cries and warning that he shouldn't side with his father, He disregarded her to go back to his father, Even though she was the one that never left his bed while he was bedridden Zeus at the time was trying to bone Aphrodite who rejected his approach, She realized her son was ungrateful and her husband was a degenerate so just like how she treated his father she ignored her son but it was obvious Ares didn't care, that placed her at a tough spot, She was the Goddess of Families even though hers was already broken beyond repair she wouldn't let Zeus and his backers are ready to break such a beautiful family just for their gain and paranoia.

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