Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: A kings Anger II

Hidden forest
5:27 pm
Narrator's POV


The sight was the perfect definition of the word destruction, withering trees, the wind pressure was so high that some trees had been pulled out of their sockets multiple craters the sky lost its hue and turned dark as the roars of thunder boomed endlessly.

Amidst all the chaos stood a beast of a being, muscular and proud in his eyes burning flames that seemed to intensify as he gazed at his opponent, He wore Greek battle armour made of celestial gold consisting of a helm, cuirass, war belt, shield and greaves a normal human couldn't lift the helm of the beast, He held a sword and shield which gave out a bright golden hue, He was the god of war in his full glory his form alone laid waste to his surroundings.

His opponent was a kid who looked like the opposite of the beast, He floated across the god his temperament was cold and focused, and he had no armour or weapons only thing he had on was black shorts, and he didn't even have a shoe to cover his legs, but he felt different if the god of war power was shown physically by his brute and tough appearance then the boy looked normal almost too normal, It seemed like the earth herself favoured him as where ever he went life blossomed, this was Ben with his recent level he'd reach he had now surpassed normal and entered a realm that was thought to be a myth, while also becoming an Advanced yet almost expert warrior.

The place suddenly grew silent as everything stopped.


The god of war vanished in a burst of speed appearing beside Ben and aiming to behead the sage, Ben didn't react till the God was in front of him before he created a sword out of nothingness and the sword parried Ares's attack stopping him in his track.

Ben activated the Eye of the Lord, and as the pressure around him intensified his hair started defying gravity as it flowed as if in water, Even at a time like this he still somehow manage to look like the victim even though he held his own against the god of war.

Ares separated himself from the boy jumping back to gain some distance.

"Ho-Ho that's some strength there, After I defeat you, I'll turn you into a eunuch and have you personally become my weapon factory, I'll also take your girls as war trophies and turn them into my sex slaves." Ares licked his lips with a vicious grin he intended to enrage his opponent and to make him have more openings that Ares could exploit.

"My subjects are mine, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT'S MINE THAT WAY," Ben yelled although his voice wasn't deep it had enough power to upturn his surround into utter chaos worse than it already was.

As much as Ares wouldn't like to admit it, he was fucked, but he didn't know to what extent, As a sage Ben was an enlightened mage his powers were no longer merely physical he was stepping into a higher existence, giving him a natural connection to the earth he partially could implement his will in reality to a lesser degree, Not to mention he had decided this destroyed hidden forest would be the site for his palace meaning he had fulfilled the requirements.

Loyal subjects, Treasury, a balanced befitting a king, these requirements being met unlocked an ability: Kings Domain

That said Domain was the king's palace and just like how you can't expect to win a battle with a king in his own home, Ares had no chance of defeating Ben as long as he was in this forest, He just didn't know that yet.

[King's Domain: As long as the king was in his palace, His Palace becomes a miniature world where he is the true proprietor of that said world.]

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