Chapter 6

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Time skip
One month later

"Ben duck" Upchuck yelled as she swallowed garbage and vomited a greenish ball that explodes in contact with matter, Ben who was in his human form, Ben rolled under it and it landed in front of the thugs Ben was distracting a few seconds earlier, but the thug expertly manoeuvred out of the range to the explosion but the force sent him sliding on his feet before he came to a halt.

"Alien! and a human male, how do you have an intercourse boy!? That thing returns what it swallows radioactive," The thug said(If you know then You know)

"Not to mention you're weak, your punch holds no force at all regardless of the sound, you're like a drum loud and fragile" Thug further laugh at his joke.

Ben was surprised although this wasn't his full strength it was still enough to seriously harm a normal human, Superhumans do exist here, maybe they'll be more frequent than in the original series.

"You sure do talk a lot for a villain, I thought they were composed" Ben yelled before appearing behind the thug then he performed a spinning kick, to his shock the thug reacted and flipped over him, while airborne the thug grabbed Bens shirt and flipped with him slamming him ruthlessly to the ground, forming cracks.

"You!, have some strength for a 10-year-old, at your age, I didn't have this much strength what's your superhuman readings boy?! Must be strong but I've trained for years and also fought countless battles you can't beat me." The thug said before he blurred out of place and a fireball went through his after image.

"Turn up the heat" Heatblast (Bennie) said as she kept on throwing fireballs at his blurry figure.

'The way he spoke seems as if he has been in contact with a lot of superhumans'  Ben thought as he stood up, he wasn't stronger than the guy but he had resistance and pain tolerance he could continue this for a while regardless of the amount of beating he would receive but why do that when he had aliens, but on his Omnitrix palm he eyed a black chain seal, In a flash of green a red humanoid four-armed alien stood in his place.

"Time to throw stuff," Ben said under his breath, next second he was above the Thug immediately performing a dropkick over his head, but the thug vanished and appeared on a building.

"If you have this amount of power why do you rob banks?" Bennie transformed back to normal and asked.

"What? I wasn't robbing the bank, the bank belongs to me" The thug said then he vanished again, this time appearing nowhere within the twin's sight.

"What just happened?" Bennie asked.

"We were just exposed to the superhuman world," Ben said with a drowsy sigh.


"And then I and Ben attacked the thug-like bam bam bam, then Ben transformed into fourarms then Ben appeared above him and punched him but he vanished and appeared somewhere else," Bennie explained what happened to Gwen using funny sound effects.

"All that happened to you guys on your way to the store?" Gwen asked rhetorically

"How's your spell making coming?" Ben asked Gwen.

"Well, According to the books I'm an intermediate magician." Gwen bragged proudly Ben congratulated her by patting her head lightly.

"Bennie what about you?" Ben asked.

"Well, I'm halfway into the intermediate realm," Ben said which was surprising as she didn't have an interest in magic, Ben congratulated her with a hug and repeated stroked her hair.

"What about you?" Gwen asked hiding her emotions of jealousy as she subconsciously glared at Bennie.

"Well-" A ball of perfectly green flames formed on Ben palm without any preparation.

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