Chapter 14

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A castle befitting a king, Ben created exactly that along with the rest of his crew; they spent weeks working with magic, aliens, money and everything in between to make sure their castle was up to Ben's requirements.

Magic as a base; they used magic for almost everything from setting the foundation, to protective and restrictive spells to a defence mechanism,

Aliens like Brainstorm, Grey Matter, and  Upgrade were responsible for making the technology around and in the house, Ben took the responsibility of creating an AI for the house, and Bennie cross-checked the bugs in the software and Hardware with Greymatter; This left Hope and Gwen to get the resources Ben and Bennie needed, while They also took on the superhero job-saving bellwood from aliens and petty thugs, Luckygirl and Charmcaster grew popular while people slowly forgot about the multiple aliens that went around the world saving lives.

In the end, it took them a little over 3 months to get their castle ready, but when they finally finished they were happy with their achievements.

"It's so late, Why are you floating out here instead of staying with the rest of us? Bennie is quite restless she wanted to come and drag you back in" They finished preparing the castle this morning and the girls wanted to celebrate, So when they noticed their King wasn't with them Hope went to find him.

"Yes, I was adding the finishing touches to the area around the castle, and the hidden forest itself, You know as a king my castle is my domain, I am making this place into my official first Domain." Ben floated, and Hope watched as his energy spread across the entire hidden forest as a whole even reaching up to the sky and covering them in a transparent Green dome it felt like the earth herself was giving Ben enough energy to carry on the task, As the wind pressure increased and the mana everywhere ran amok.

"But Domains are something only deities have access to!!" Hope should have expected this but she was shocked in front of a was a mage who could tap into the realm of Gods without being close to their level of power.

"Who decided that?" Ben just smiled and let things happen as they should silently chanting "Brand of a true king" A loop of infinity, Embodied by multiple colours washed around everything in the hidden forest from the people to the animals in the forest.

"This is our new home, Now and forever"

"u-unbelievable." Hope choked on her words, the power she felt just now was different from everything she had ever felt, She didn't need to be told the power felt majestic.

'I barely saw it, For a fraction of a second, A green crown floated above his head before it vanished.'  Hope was so shocked she didn't know Bennie and Gwen teleported to stand beside her.

"What was that power we just felt?" Gwen held her book of infinity looking around curiously and Bennie was wearing her Pjs most likely waiting for Ben to join her in his room.

"Yeah, And why are you in your sage state? Why is Hope looking shocked? Did you deny her love-" Bennie didn't get the chance to finish her sentence as Hope slapped her upside her head.

"That was me, Finally solving a puzzle that has been on my head for a while." Ben chanted as he got out of his sage state with a huff.

"Even with all the power I have, I can only channel true divinity for one second a day but that's progress." Ben at this point was talking to himself, Hope listened to him still shaken, and Gwen listened intently saving her questions for tomorrow since Ben looks worn out.

Bennie couldn't care less she floated over to Ben and tackled him by his stomach and teleported them to his room leaving a burst of Green particles, Leaving Hope and Gwen to follow after her in a burst of their respective colours, Purple and Pink.

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