not an answer

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warnings: mentions of needles

age: 16



"Mama, I'm home!" I hear my daughter call. I make my way from my bedroom to downstairs, but I'm met with something I wasn't expecting.

My daughter has a septum piercing. A piece of metal, in her nose.

What. The. Fuck.

"Y/N... why have you created a brand new hole in your nose?" I ask calmly. I fear that if I stop taking deep breaths, I'll snap, and I really don't want to snap.

My daughter has a lot of piercings, I don't mind her having them, they're pretty. But I like them even more when she asks me permission first.

"I'm sorry, I... it was impulsive. I had a bad first lesson and decided to take the rest of the day off with Elle."

Elle is her best friend, they get into all sorts of trouble together.

"Excuse me, young lady, it isn't your decision if you get to skip school or not," I lightly scold her, my hands on my hips.

Her face drops slightly at my words, and it suddenly makes me feel awful.

"I'm sorry, baby." I walk over and bring her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. "You wanna tell me why your first lesson was so bad?"

She shakes her head against me. "No. It's stupid, anyway. Do you like my new piercing?"

To answer her question, I pull her away from me and bend my knees enough for me to be face to face with her. As much as I hate to admit it, it does look rather nice.

"It's beautiful," I nod and kiss her cheek. "C'mon. We'll stick something on the TV and chill out for the evening."


Two days after getting her septum done, and Y/N is absolutely loving her new piercing. I love it too. It's suits her very well.

I'm about to go up to her room to see if she's awake and ready to go out for lunch yet. She was desperate for me to take her to Olive Garden today, so that's what I'm doing.

However, before I can start making my way upstairs, my daughter appears in the kitchen with her cheeks tear-stained and body shaky.

"Hey... what's going on?" I ask sadly, now very worried about whatever's happening in her head.

At my question, she puts on an unconvincing smile and shrugs.

"Nothin'. I'm just gonna go get my daith pierced. Can you drive me or should I call a cab?"

I feel my face drop slightly as she mentions getting yet another piercing.

"You've only just gotten one, babe. You don't wanna be getting them too close together."

She sighs. "A cab, then."

Just as she's about to order herself a cab, I grab her phone from her hand and place it on the counter.

"Hey!" she yells, looking as if she's ready to burst into tears all over again.

"Y/N, I'm not an idiot," I say and she stares at me in confusion. "Sit down, darling."

Y/N listens to what I tell her to do and sits down on the sofa and I take a seat beside her.

Before I speak, I think carefully about my words.

"Sweetheart, we need to talk about all these piercings you're getting. I was thinking a lot yesterday and I started to piece things together and... I realized that you end up getting a new one every time you're mad or upset. You're substituting cutting for piercings. We both remember when you used to hurt yourself and we got you help, but I understand that you might not feel better, despite not hurting yourself in the way you used to. You just get a needle shoved through your ears or nose, instead. It's not harmful, yes, but... the point is that we need to get you some real help instead of going to a piercer's every week."

Instead of being able to talk about it, Y/N breaks and a loud sob escapes her mouth. I don't waste another second before bringing her into my arms and holding her close.

"It's okay, darling," I whisper and kiss the top of her head. "Breathe, baby. I know you're not better. And that's okay. Your piercings are beautiful but they're not an answer. We're gonna really help you this time, Y/N. I promise."


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