uncle tony said it

1.6K 82 40

age: 4



Since mama's busy at the moment, I'm sat with uncle Tony in his lab, messing around with a piece of equipment that he told me strictly not to touch.

But I'm four so he should know better than to expect me to listen when he tells me not to do something.

"Y/N!" he suddenly exclaims, quickly walking over to me and taking the object from my hands. "I told you not to play with that. Holy shit."

"Mommy said you can't say that word," I tell him, he rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna tell her you did that." He then says the bad word again under his breath. "And that."

Luckily, it's only a matter of minutes before my mama turns up and lifts me into her arms, saying hello and telling me how much she missed me.



My eyes widen at my little girl saying that word. I've made sure to never swear around her and I've ensured that none of the others do, either.

"Honey, that's an adult word," I remind her gently, bouncing her slightly on my hip.

"Uncle Tony said it," she then informs me. "And he rolled his eyes at me, and then he said the bad word again."

I send a death glare to Tony, who avoids eye contact completely.

When she's older, I won't mind Y/N swearing. But since she's only four, I'd rather not have her start now.

Deciding to just move on, I say goodbye to Tony and bring my daughter back with me to the kitchen and sit her down on the counter. It's lunch time now and she's probably getting hungry.

"Alright, little love. Do you want anything in particular for lunch today?" I ask, only to turn around and find her munching on some dry uncooked spaghetti from the pack that's been left on the counter. "Oh, baby, no, that's not how you eat that," I chuckle and walk over to take the pasta pack from her.

She lets out a big whine in response, folding her arms over her chest and pouting before yelling, "Shit!" just as Natasha walks in.

"Hey, little girl!" Nat greets her whilst also scolding her. She knows that Y/N isn't supposed to swear.

"You can thank Tony for her learning that word," I inform her, she gives her niece 'the look' before walking over to me and hugging me. She's such a softie.

When she pulls away, she walks over to Y/N and picks her up, dancing with her in her arms after putting the radio on.

Until the child once again does something she's not supposed to.

"Shit," she giggles, so Nat stops her movements and sits Y/N back on the counter, standing in front of her and bending her knees until she's at eye level with my kid.

"Y/N, that's not a word that you can use," she tells her sternly, "Mommy would never say that word. Auntie Nat wouldn't, either."

Of course she's not exactly telling the truth, but she's trying to prevent Y/N from saying that word.

"Okay, auntie Nat," she innocently replies, making me awfully suspicious.

"Good girl. You're just like a little sponge, soaking everything up." Nat says and kisses the top of her head, just as Clint makes his way into the kitchen.

"Uncle Clint!" she exclaims, waving at him. He waves back cutely. "I learnt a new word today."

Both Natasha and I say her name in a warning tone. I swear that woman is her second mom at this point.



this was so rushed i hate it

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