nasty cold

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age: 11

i started writing this when i had a cold but we good now

but like 2 months later im developing another one

anyway, enjoy !



"Mommy, I don't feel well," my daughter complains for the hundredth time this morning. She woke up with a nasty cold this morning and has been miserable since.

Y/N and I are very close, we've only ever had each other, so it isn't at all awkward that I'm currently holding her in my arms whilst we're both in the shower.

She felt too tired to stay standing so I picked her up and she's happy with her legs around my waist and her arms dangling over my back.

"You're tickling me," I chuckle slightly when I feel her fingers tracing over my back, thankfully she stops when I ask her.

We spend another ten or so minutes in the water until I decide that it's time to get out and get us both dried.

Luckily, I tied both of our hair up so it wouldn't get wet because that would just take up more time.

"Are you comfy?" I ask my little one after she puts her pyjamas back on.

"Mhm," she hums in response just before falling into a coughing fit from where she's sitting on her bed.

I hurriedly walk over and start patting her back for a few seconds until she stops and sniffles, her nose still being quite blocked despite the warm vapor produced by the shower.

"Come on, sweet pea, let's go into the living room," I say and pick her up again. She gets very clingy when she's sick and I know that she always wants to have physical contact with me one way or another.

When we reach the living room, I sit myself down with her on my lap and hold her close. My poor baby feels so warm.

"Mama, my throat hurts," she whines, and I instantly know what'll make her feel better.

Instead of getting up again and leaving my daughter, I use my magic to open up the freezer in the adjoining open kitchen and pull out a popsicle to float over to us.

"This might help soothe it a little," I reply and take the wrapper off so I can hand it to Y/N. She puts part of it into her mouth and I see her visibly relax once the cold starts to soothe her throat.

Whilst she's entertained with a random show I put on the TV, I again use my powers to bring over a glass of water and a pack of decongestant tablets.

Knowing what's coming, she turns to hide her face in my lap, and I chuckle at her doing so.

"Come on, this is for your own benefit," I sigh and she whines once more before sitting up again and scowling at me. "There's my sunshine," I smile and hand her the tablet to put in her mouth. She takes it with little struggle and immediately settles back down on my lap.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she whispers sleepily, making herself comfy on me.

"You don't have to thank me, bubba. It's what I'm here for. Rest up now. Mama's got you."




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