Chapter 22: Unexpected Encounters

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Life had become a whirlwind for Astryd. Each day was filled with excitement, awe, and sometimes fear, but there was never a moment of regret. And while her days were increasingly busy, there was always time for unexpected visits.

One day, while she sat in her apartment, working on plans for the new church, there was a knock at her door. Without looking up, Astryd called for the visitor to enter. The door creaked open to reveal Jhon, his face a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"It's been a while," he began, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.

Astryd set aside her papers and stood, approaching Jhon. "Yes, it has," she replied, noting the tension in his posture. "Is everything okay?"

Jhon hesitated before finally blurting out, "I've missed you, Astryd. I know things have changed, especially now that Ali is with Jenny, but I... I miss us."

Astryd was taken aback. She hadn't considered that Jhon might feel this way. They had all been so busy with the church and their new lives that she hadn't stopped to consider their personal relationships.

Acting on impulse, Astryd leaned in and kissed Jhon. The kiss deepened and, without a word, they moved towards the couch. Clothes were discarded and they found themselves in the midst of passion, a familiar rhythm taking over.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. They froze, their breath hitching. Another knock followed, more insistent this time. "Astryd? Are you in there?" The voice belonged to Elder Hudson.

Caught in an unexpected situation, they quickly dressed. Astryd went to open the door, leaving Jhon sitting on the couch. As the door swung open, Elder Hudson stood there, his eyebrows lifting in surprise at the sight of Jhon.

The silence that followed was awkward, but it was broken when Hudson cleared his throat. "I... I'll come back later," he mumbled, backing away from the door.

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